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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, December 29, 2008


New Years Day is three days away. For some, that means a New Year’s Resolution. I’ve never been one to make resolutions since I have grown to know myself well enough to know that my resolve will fade by 8 pm, January 1. This year, for this very time, I would suggest that all of us make a resolution to choose God’s way in 2009. What kind of year would we and those around us have? No more anger; no more doubt; no more pessimism; no more dissatisfaction with what we have; no more clinging to things that bind us; no more cleaving to emotions that harm us; only walking along the Path with Him. How do we make such a resolution? We state our desire to God and let Him take the lead, nothing more. We cannot do it on our own. It is a resolve to trust in Him, to be His servant and not expect Him to serve us. It is a daily walk in Paradise. In 2009, step out into the unknown and find the Holy Spirit there, guiding your path. Wow! Yes, it’s true; it’s real; it’s life lived as God intended; it’s finally turning toward home. Let us pray this personal prayer of Life:

“Dear Father, God. You are more loving than my soul can stand without the shade of Christ’s outstretched arms. May your Holy Spirit come to live within me this very day, even this very year, not because I deserve it but because your son, my savior Jesus Christ, is worthy. I stand here at your feet, willing to be filled with your love and essence. All I can do is bow before you. I know you will do the rest because this is why I live, to be completed within your loving light. I finally believe it is true. I finally accept your gift of grace today, this moment, and I will walk hence forth as your cherished child, grafted into your People of Love by the sacrifice of your son, Jesus. ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty. Early in the morning, my song shall rise to thee.’ And, risen in adoration, your very presence will live in my words of praise, as it was promised in your sacred Word. You live in the praises of your people. Praise the Lord. Whisper love and healing into the hearts of our loved ones, those sick in body, mind, and soul and let them know you are there, making them whole. Hallelujah . . . it is so! In the name of, and by the power of his name, Jesus our redeemer, we pray. Amen.”

“Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.”
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Many around the world are waiting for Santa Claus this evening. Others are waiting to celebrate a birthday, the birth of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ! He who was anticipated for hundreds of years before his birth, is celebrated thousands of years after his coming. Nothing more needs to be said. Your Savior has come and is waiting to be born anew in your heart this very night, this new Christmas Day. There is no gift more glorious than that. There is no jewel more precious, no Christmas lights more bright, no candles more warm than one ones on the top of the birthday cake of our king. “Oh Holy night, the stars are brightly shinning. It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.” Let us pray:
“Oh dear God in Heaven, the sound of your name calms the storm and drives out the demons of our lives. May your son, Jesus, be born in our hearts this evening, that Christmas may be Christ’s day every day. We thank you for every gift you have given us, for the GOLD of dear friends and family, for the FRANKENSENCE of warm turkey roasting in the oven and pies cooling on the rack, and the MYRRH of Mamma’s starched apron and the sweet aroma of sawdust coming from Daddy’s workshop. We are rich beyond anything known to man with all the blessings of life and love you have given and are giving us. You told us from of old to “fear not.” This new Christmas we choose to trust you, oh Father, for you are worthy of our trust. Forgive us for the many times we have tried to live life on our own without your guidance and help. Forgive us when we have been negative about the life you have given us. We thank you for every gift, those that prune and those stretch us beyond any limitations we have placed on ourselves. We pray that the New Year will permit us to be a blessing to someone else, that we may see beyond ourselves and bring comfort to others. For those who have been ill, we pray for health. For those who have been sad or angry, we pray for mended hearts and souls. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen”
A Very Merry and Blessed Christmas to you all,
“Copyright 2008, Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.”

Monday, December 15, 2008


What if the world still waited?
What if love had never come?
What if God had never given
His grace to everyone?
What if darkness still lay buried
in each heart and soul on earth?
What if revenge was still the answer
for each and every hurt?
What if forgiveness never happened?
What if hope was still forlorn?
What if angels never sang?
What if “the song” was never born?
What if no salvation offered?
What if no new life had come?
What if our songs were silenced,
not a note from anyone?
What if Jesus never walked?
What if He never healed?
What if Jesus never taught
or in his heart we’re sealed?
If we kill the Christmas spirit
by grabbing each gift adorned
and forget the Christ Child’s coming
our “what ifs” would be reborn.
What if our eyes were opened?
What if our gifts lay at his feet?
What if Christmas lived within us,
then his coming would be complete.
(Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp)

Let us pray:
“Oh Holy God, father of our Lord and savior Jesus, the Christ Child, your name is sacred to our ears. May your plan for us make its home in our lives this very day so that your son did not come to a dead and dying people. Dear Lord, our hearts burn bright with the light of your new promise that came to earth embodied in the form of a precious baby. The lights of Christmas remind us of that light that came into the world on the day of Christ’s birth, lighting our lives with hope and joy and peace. Presents tell us of the ultimate gift of your son, as well as the gold, frankincense and myrrh from the wise men. The carols and music of Christmas are melodious reminders to us of the host of angels that filled the darkened, night sky with music, good tiding of great joy, and promise. These are the symbols of Christmas that all lead back to you, for without your son, there would be no celebration. We thank you with every fiber within us. Every beat of our heart drums out a song of thanksgiving for all you have done for us, every prayer answered, every tear dried, every ill made well again. Jesus brought healing into the world, healing of mind, body, and soul, and for this we cannot find words to thank you. Just know our hearts overflow with gratitude, awe, and love. We are all still hurting in some way. Heal each one of us, and those we love, in our own need, with your very own hand, oh God. How amazing is your grace and love to us! Forgive us when we see a new sweater when we open our gifts and not the gift of warmth and love; when we see an MP3 Player and not the gift of song; or a leather bound book and not the gift of your Word beyond the wrappings. May our eyes be opened and our hearts prepared for the gift of your Christ Child this Christmas. In the name of, and by the healing power of your son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen”
“Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp”
“God gives us many stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, December 8, 2008


The world is in the Advent season, awaiting the Birthday of the King! Things are rough for many of us, but we still live in more plenty than most of the world can ever imagine. Take the time today to be grateful for all God has done for you. In our family, a situation has been resolved because God whispered “love” into the ear of many family members and friends: to one of our children because they found what they were looking for, another child and their spouse for making the initial steps possible, and a new friend who saw the earnest need and love displayed in this situation and did his part. My husband and I are acting as orchestra conductors’, helping to make sure all is in place and each player is coming in on time. I KNOW this situation is a direct answer to our prayers. We just had to step out of the way and let the Lord direct all who are involved. Is it coming together as I had imagined it to be? Are you kidding?! It is coming together as God called it into being. I find myself praising God a hundred times a day for fulfilling his promises of answered prayer. And, I know God is answering your prayers as well, for health, for opportunity, for salvation. Let us remember to look for answered prayers beyond our notions of receiving for he is there whispering “love” into your ear and the thoughts of those around you. Let us pray:
“Our loving Father, Holy and faithful is your name. May the kingdom of your love come to dwell in our hearts both now at Christmas time and beyond to the months and years ahead, so that your will may be completed within us. Today, we ask for nothing, except that others know your love, your touch, your comfort, your peace, and your grace. We just want to thank you with earnest hearts for all you have done in our lives and in the lives of those around us. You have taken our pain and sorrow and have turned them into our witness of the love and comfort you have given us and the things you have done in our lives. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Heaven and Earth are full of thee and our hearts are open to your indwelling Spirit to come and make its home within us. We would then be your temples to the living God. In the precious and powerful name of your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we pray. Amen”
“Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.”
“God gives us many stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, December 1, 2008


Why praise the Lord, the one true God? Because God himself inhabits, lives in, our praises!

Psalm 22:3
(NKJV) “But You are holy, who inhabit the praises of Israel.”
(RSV) “Yet thou art holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”
(NIV) “Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.”
ENTHRONED: (dwell, inhabits): Yashab-to sit down (as a judge, in quiet) to remain; to settle, to marry.
HOLY: Qadowsh - sacred (ceremonially or morally), (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a sanctuary.
ISRAEL: Yisra’el - he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: - Israel

Imagine! - the Lord God of the Universe, the All-in-all, the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, He lives in the praises of His people! - in your praises and mine! Do we praise our Lord as frequently as we argue, blame, or even curse others in His name? He LIVES in our words of praise. Holy, holy, holy is your name, Lord God Jehovah! Teach us to praise you today, Lord. Let us pray:

“Oh God of all there is, or ever was, or ever will be, you are holy and all that is holy. We pray that your sacred kingdom may come to earth and make its home in our heart, so that your plan may be fulfilled in your time and in your way. Today, oh God of Israel and father of our Lord Jesus, our Savior, we ask that you receive our praises. We humbly admit that we know not how to purely sing your praises. We invite you into our heart so that our song of love may be honest and not in our own self interest, but in total adoration of you. We shamefully admit that we have blamed you for every small injustice in our lives and ask that your son, Jesus, cleanse us of those sins and we pray that we sin no more. We know we are weak and unable to insure these blessings on our own, but know for certain that Jesus is worthy and will intercede on our behalf when we claim him as our own Lord. Praises to your son, our Savior Jesus and to the Holy Spirit, your indwelling presence in our lives. To you we give all praise and honor and glory, for they rightfully belong to you. In the name of your son, Jesus and by the power of his name, we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I think it’s very fitting that Thanksgiving comes just as the last of the beautiful Autumn leaves have fallen and the trees are merely cold, brown sticks stretching up to a gray sky. Anyone can be thankful for beauty, warm breezes, and color that emblazons the woods and enlivens our yards. But to sing praises when the freezing rain begins to pelt the ground, ah, that is truth thankfulness. We all know we are heading into even more financially difficult times than we already have. Perhaps, we will not experience “plenty” again until we are thankful for what we already have. And, just perhaps, the prosperity we once had, was not in our best interest in the first place. The “good times” may have actually taken us away from the face of God and robbed us of the goodness with which we were blessed - the holiness of God’s presence. The holiday books and movies we’ve loved the most haven’t been depictions of rich people spending money but of people rich in spirit who have spent themselves for others. Let us pray that God will use us this season, to be a blessing to someone else, that those we love, and even some we only tolerate, may receive blessings upon blessings until those blessings fill their shoes. My “secret prayer” each day is that God will use me, that he will allow me to say or do something to meet someone’s needs on His behalf, and that I may never know when it happens, with whom, or under what circumstances so that I may not boast. It becomes quite an adventure in prayer. Let us pray:

“Oh loving Father, how glorious is your name. We pray that your kingdom of heaven may begin in our lives even now, so that we may know you more dearly, follow you more clearly, and serve you more completely. We ask to be powerfully and miraculously used by you, oh Father, that today and throughout this Thanksgiving season, you will use us as your servants, speaking your words to those who are lost and comforting those who are in need. We pray that we never know who it is, under what circumstances, or when it happens so that you will receive all the praise, glory and honor that is due you, and so that we may not boast of anything we think we have done. Forgive us when we have not been open to your calling in the past. What a privilege! What an adventure! What a miracle, to actually live in you! We thank you for every gift of life, for it has all come from you. In the power of the name of your son, our savior, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, November 17, 2008


As we watch the transition between the existing political administration and the in-coming one, we are reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s philosophy of “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” What does that have to do with the rest of us? This is definitely a “transition” time for everyone. Some have already been downsized out of their jobs, others have had their investments and retirement planes reshuffled, and most of us are trying to live on less and enjoying life more. For people all around us, keeping our friends close may mean enjoying family dinners over eating out or establishing a family game and/or movie night in place of expensive entertainment almost any place else. As a child, my parents, aunts and uncles got together about once a month to play games, enjoy a good argument, and thrive in one another’s company. My cousins were some of my best friends.
Now, keeping your enemies closer means several things to me. Perhaps your enemy is your credit card. Keeping it close means guarding it carefully not letting it escape from your wallet and into a checkout person’s hand and working down the unpaid balance as quickly as possibly. Doubt and fear may also be our enemy. Facing our fears, of personal finances, losing our job, or having to relocate physically or mentally for a career is the first step in overcoming that fear and beginning to work again. Unless we hold it close enough to deal with fear eye to eye, we are helpless to do anything about it. We blindly go about a fantasy of disbelief in the dreaded source of our fear. My husband is a minister and I have detested moving. I finally chose to see our moves as my gift to God, my sacrifice for Him. I willingly chose to do battle with moving no more. Another enemy may be our boss or hated job, an old “friend” whom we have held a grudge against, or even our ex-spouse. Keeping them close means cooperating with them when we can, walking along side them in their struggles, and praying that the very best of God’s blessings fall all around them until His blessings fill their shoes to overflowing. Only when we bless our enemies will we find abundant blessings for ourselves, and in that order, others first, ourselves last. Transition is the stuff of life. Only the flexible survive, whether that be a business or an individual. Only those who take transition as a new adventure, a true gift from and to God, will land safely on the other side. Let us pray:
“Our loving God, who walks through the valley of change with us, ever loving us through difficulties and tragedies, we praise your name, which is above all names. It is with your name that things happen for good. May your kingdom come to dwell in our lives as we make way for your son who said, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” May your kingdom be at our hand as well. We pray today that you will walk with us through the valley, so clearly that we can see your footprints beside us. May your dear love bless our enemies and turn them into blessings for us each day. When negative things happen and a stumbling bolder blocks our path, let us see your plan in it all, for you have simply found a “better way” for us to walk. We know you are pruning us and preparing us for the journey that lies ahead. We pray that we can let go of our desires and grasp hold of yours. We pray that all illness of body, mind, and spirit may be healed, so that we may be of service to you and those around us. We pray that the words “transition,” “change,” and “enemy” may change to “new beginning,” “opportunity,” and “friend.” Forgive us when our stubborn selfishness, anger, fear, and beliefs of entitlement rob us of our ability to love, for we know that control and love are opposites. When we must control, anyone, everyone including you, we give up our capacity to love. For all of these blessings, we give all praise and honor to you oh God above all. In the precious and healing name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen.”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, November 10, 2008


. . . and then there was last Friday! The print cartridge in the type writer I use for billing was out of ink. The printer for the computer wouldn’t print. The old printer that was in the basement had no USB connection. The computer battery on my laptop died. (I’m typing on my daughter’s, computer. Thanks Mandi!) There were no computer batteries in Huntington or Fort Wayne. It would take one from Batteries Plus five to seven days to arrive. Two of my billings to Medicare came back as unpaid due to a mistyped letter on a patient’s name and the other one had a missing digit on the diagnosis line. I WAS FRUSTRATED BEYOND REASON!!
Yesterday, it came to me as a sharp edged gift and it stung. Could frustration be “anger with God?” Are we silently scolding God when we feel frustrated? Are we expressing words we’d never speak out loud or even admit to ourselves? Do we bury our hidden emotions under a more “polite” form of anger, frustration?” Are we asking in the silent places of our heart, “Why does God allow these things to happen?” Do we unconsciously demand, “These things just shouldn’t happen to me!?” We all seem to believe we are entitled to a stress free life. Anything that deviates from that utopian ideal frustrates us.
You may say, “Even non-believers get frustrated.” But, they are taught to be civil and polite too. Perhaps they are railing at that basic entitlement philosophy: “I don’t deserve this!” Or, “Why do these things happen to me? I’m a good person!” They don’t know that their anger may be with God in whom they don’t even believe. Perhaps to be released from frustration, we need to pray for forgiveness for our anger directed toward Almighty God. Let us pray:

“Oh dear Father in Heaven, your name is precious to us, for by your words we are healed and saved. We pray that your kingdom of love, mercy, grace, and peace may come to dwell in our hearts as it is in the Heavenly kingdom, not because we are worthy but because Jesus Christ was and is worthy. We most humbly and ashamedly bow before you with an awareness of our sin of anger directed toward you, the Holy One. We tricked ourselves into thinking we were just frustrated with life, but we now acknowledge that you alone are Life. Forgive us Father God and heal our souls from the bondage of anger, even the generalized anger we politely call “frustration.” Deliver us from this sin and cast the evil one into the pit, that he may never be able to capture us again. To you, our father, we give all praise and honor and glory and thanks for all you have done for us. In the precious name of your son, our redeemer, we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Day Post Election - A NEW DAY

Good morning Americans! Whether you are blue, red, or purple, we have elected a new president. Praise to the Lord God, because we live in a country where we can vote for our leader of the U.S. and the entire free world. We recognize the historic nature of this election and praise God’s holy name for healing the divisiveness in our land. While the healing is not complete, the treatment has begun. It is up to all of us how we accept the pains and itch of re-knitting our body. Now, our new president will need our prayers for the one true God’s presence, grace, and mercy in his life; Christ’s healing balm and insight; a vision for the entire citizenry that is in keeping with the will of God; and safety for the country and his family. We, as God’s citizens of Heaven and of earth, are called to be One of the Ten - willing and ready to live honorable, righteous lives as God’s children, that others may see His presence in our country and the world, speaking love with civil voices and integrity; Watchers on the Wall - ever vigilant to those who would attack our country, our Constitution, and our home-of-the-free; and Lower Lights - sending homing beams of light across the waves of circumstances to aid a sailor home.
Now, we come together as Americans, supporting our new president when we find his views in keeping with our understanding of the will of God, and actively participating in our government with our letters, emails and phone calls when we believe he is doing a good job, as well as when we believe his programs would harm our country. Glory to God on High, who gave us the precious gift of stewardship over this land of the free and home of the brave. Now, we must grow up and participate in this wonderful country he gave us. Stand up! Stand tall! Stand strong! Stand free! Stand with outstretched arms to all those who call this blessed, promised land their home!
Let us pray:

“Oh loving Father of us all, white, brown, black, blue, red, and purple, we praise your holy, omnipotent name. May your kingdom come to earth and our country, that all people may be truly, and self-evidently, equal and free. It is for this time we have come in our history, Father, proving that all you had given to our forefathers applies to all of your people, from the very least to the highest. Let us truly be aware that there are no “leasts” - only those on the way up, taking the first rung of the ladder. May we never block the path of anyone on their way up and may we hold out secure, outstretched arms to anyone who may fall, and set their feet firmly again. Let us move forward as citizens of the most free, most blessed country of all time, not a country designed by man but a country created by you. May we recognize our awesome task of preserving what has been placed in our hands, not a broken country, but a continually growing country, more capable of loving, freeing, and fighting for freedom than any other people since the dawn of time. God’s blessed people, so young, still adolescent in many ways, ever loving, ever smiling, ever hopeful of the fulfillment of the great promises you gave us. Forgive us when we have been lazy, not speaking up or reaching out to preserve our beautiful homeland. Continue to heal our land that we may be a healthy people, full of love and energy, trusting in the hope of the world, America on earth and Jesus Christ in our hearts and souls. Let us be a people with merged God-owned hearts and God-given home. In the name of your son, our redeemed Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen,”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, November 3, 2008

Let The Lower Lights Be Burning

In previous prayers of the On-Line Prayer Group, we talked about being One of the Ten, so the Lord would spare our nation. Then, we talked about being a Watchman on the Wall, ever vigilant to evil that could corrupt our souls and threats that can take down or alter our nation of freedom. Today, let’s talk about being a Lower Light.

In a wonderful old hymn (1871 - in public domain), the words describe our roll as “lower lights” - not “lowly lights.” There is nothing “lowly” about our calling. It is a gift from God and therefore a privilege, supported by the Father of all. (Brackets and underline below are mine)
“Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, from His lighthouse evermore.
But to us, He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights [our light] be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman,
You may rescue; you may save.” Philip P, Bliss, 1871
We are called to be one of the ten (or tens of thousands), who will watch and wait with Christ, on the wall to our heart and our country, and there, be a beacon for others to see our light and guide them safely home to God. God is the source of “mercy,” but it is up to us to shed light on the truth of God’s love and grace, so that others may see the light and find their way home.

Why haven’t I designed a prayer about the election? My Dear Ones, I just did. Whoever are elected president and our other public servants, we are still called to make our lives a living sacrifice, by the grace of God, as one of the Ten, to be civil and loving in our thoughts and communications; to Watch on the Wall, that we may be ever vigilant to preserve the freedoms God gave this country, to lift up and support the programs and ideas of our elected officials, whatever their party, where truth and Constitutional law abide; and to be a Light of hope, lifting up the truths of our Constitution by being aware, through study and alertness, and then using our voices to keep our nation free, writing letters of support or dissent to congress, and fighting for our Constitution. Let us pray:

“Oh loving Father of all, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and free-spirits, we come before you the day before our election day. The very word, “election,” thrills the hearts of all your people, for you gave us a shining star of hope for the entire world. May your will be done tomorrow, that those we elect may have hearts for you. We cannot read their minds, but you, Father, know what stirs within them. We ask that you sort out the shaft from the wheat and whisper truth into the ears of your people on election day that those we elect may be blessed by you. Give us the insight to be one of the ten, giving us civil and loving tongues, that others will see you in us, not partisans. Give us the strength and focus to stand guard and stay awake while we watch on the wall. Trim our lamps, putting them in order for proper burning, that we may have strong lights that will bring your children safely ashore to you. As your children, that is our calling, not to convince others of our point of view, but to lift up your words of love and hope and grace, that we may love them into wholeness with you. We do this while on guard and speaking up to lawmakers about what we’ve studied, heard, and seen while standing watch. Forgive us when we have become lazy and slept while guarding the gates. Open our hearts, our eyes, our ears, and our mouths, that this wonderful gift of freedom, you have given us, may prevail against those who would strive to eradicate hope and freedom. To you we give all praise, honor and glory, for nothing we do has merit, save what we do for, and through you. In the name of your son, Jesus, and by the power of his name, we pray. Amen.”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, October 27, 2008

Watchmen On The Wall

Many are anxious at this 2008 election season. I would like to pass on to all of you, a peace that has come over me since last Monday. God is a never-ending source of our strength and peace.

Even in Jesus’ day, the long arm of Rome had stretched over their country when Tiberious Claudius Nero ruled Israel. But, Jesus didn’t come to overthrow Caesar. He came to conquer sin and death and insure our salvation through him. After election day, nothing of God will change.

As for our blessed country, we are called to stand guard, to insure the preservation of our freedoms and way of life. I was privileged to meet a prayer intercessor last Wednesday and she lifted up, Isaiah 63: (6) “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourself no rest, (7) and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem.” As citizens of the kingdom of heaven and of earth, we are called to live lives that will honor him and bear testimony to the gifts of grace and peace we receive from him and to stand watch, that our country remains free.

We are also called to be “watchmen on the wall,” protecting God’s word for our soul and guarding our country with our vote and voice. Will you agree to be one of the ten (see a previous prayer) . . . and a watchman? You know, you are already a watchman on the wall, guarding our freedoms by speaking truth to ears that may not want to hear. How well you “watch” for the Lord is up to you. Let us pray:

“Oh loving father of our Lord Jesus, who called a few of his disciples to “watch and wait” in the garden on the Mount of Olives, how precious is your name above all names, Yahweh. May your kingdom come and make its home in our lives, that your will may be done perfectly, powerfully in us. We continue to pray for those who are captured by illness and ask that you set them free. We also pray for insight, wisdom, discernment, and a voice to bravely speak out concerning the truth you give us. We ask for your forgiveness when we have remained reticent and weak. Give us your strength that we may be true watchmen on the wall, protecting your church that Jesus gave us with his blood, and the glorious country of freedom you gave to us, that others earned with their sacrifice. All we have had to do was protect it, and lately, we would not. Forgive us, Father God and lead us away from the temptation to be careless again. Deliver us from what we do not know will come and bless our land again. To you we give all glory, honor, and praise, God of all. In the precious name of, and by the power of, your son our savior we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, October 20, 2008


So many needs have come my way in the last few days. My dear cousin, Claudia, asked for prayer for her newly diagnosed lung cancer. Rather than cursing the cancer, she told me of her many blessings. “I have a wonderful family, friends, clients and of course the biggest supporter in Jesus. Just wanted to let you know.” A friend asked for advice regarding someone who is in spiritual bondage and I recommended Prayer Therapy, praying for the release of specific negative thoughts that bind us to slavery. Another friend asked for a specific On-Line Prayer Group request in her email. “Could you put together some thoughts on the election? We're trying to relax with it, but its disturbing to us and we could use a reminder that it's God's plan.” To my heart, these are all related.
There is a cancer that is eating its way into our lives. It is causing families to take sides, as it has happened in other times of national crisis, still arguing over who is right and demanding that others agree with them. This is not an election about race. It is a race to determine the future of our wonderful, blessed country, where Freedom found a home over two-hundred years ago. We need a prayer for healing: of our bodies, that we may be strong and healthy to meet the great demands of the day; our minds, that our thinking may be clear and productive; our resolve, that we no longer remain complacently silent; and our liberty, that we do not allow it to be eaten away like a blight on our land. Some believe one candidate will insure our hope for tomorrow and others believe a different team will secure our future. I believe our hope is in the Lord, who made Heaven and earth and gave us His son that we might have eternal life through belief in Him. We are saved by grace, not by political party. I ask that all of us remain in prayer, not that God will obey us, but that we will see and hear His truth in all we do and say, and in the decisions we make.
I call on each one of us to look up our Representatives and Senator’s email addresses, land addresses, and phone numbers so that we can be participating citizens in the next administration. Research and keep up on the issues of the day so we can be partners in this democracy we call America. We have been lazy and reticent long enough. When you speak out, speak in love, not in anger or self-righteousness. I don’t care whom you vote for, but please vote. Democracy is on the line and I, first of all, up hold your right to vote for whom you believe in.
Like Claudia, lift up gratitude, joy, and love. May there be a blessing on your lips with each contact you make. Live each day, knowing it is a gift from God. Know that you are right about much and wrong about more. Only God is wise and omniscient (all knowing)and only He can lead us out of this financial, political, and combative world we are in. Look over my prayer of a few weeks back, Only Ten at the blog below, and vow to be one of the ten who will pray this world out of despair and seek healing and gratitude for ourselves, the country we love, and the country of origin from whence your ancestors came. Let us pray:

“Oh loving, healing Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Holy, Holy, Holy is your name. May your kingdom come on earth in which a remnant of your people will fall on their knees daily and pray for forgiveness for all your people and for themselves. That would be a glimpse of Heaven on earth. With humble hearts, we pray to be one of the Ten (on ten-thousand hills), that we may offer our voices to the great cloud of prayers that waft their way to you, pleading for mercy, forgiveness, and grace. We come before you, asking for healing for our bodies, our minds, our souls, our country, our world, and our financial institutions. We are like lost sheep who have wondered from our shepherd. We have looked to political personalities, in this time of election, to be wise enough to keep us safe, while we do nothing but play. We ask not for a sacrificial lamb to bear the sins for all of us but eyes that see the Lord your son whom you have already given to us. None of us are wise enough to vote out of our own knowledge and the ability to see what the future brings. But, you Lord, know all, and you, Lord, are the One we call on to help us make a wise decision. We know you can bring your will out of any circumstance, when your people seek your face. Spread out your healing arms around your beautiful blue world. Calm the waves of panic that seize us as you did on the Galilean Sea. Quiet the waters of anger and discord like the demons you cast out of old. Heal our broken spirits, the fear in our minds, the illness in our bodies, and let hope take seed again like goblets of wine where once there was stale water. We know you hear and answer the prayers of your people. We will live each of our remaining days, with your healing love in our hearts, knowing you have placed it there. We thank you for all we have and all we are. To you, we give all glory and honor and praise. In the precious, powerful name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I will put thee in a cleft of the Rock, and will cover thee with My hand - Exodus 33:22

Sometimes I hear hymns from my childhood singing over and over in my head. Today it was Fanny Crosby’s words to, He Hideth My Soul: “He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, and covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand.”

It came to me that our soul is God’s, for it is the part of us that is Him. Our personality is a mix of our genetic makeup, as shown by studies of adopted children whose personalities were like their birth mother’s, even if they had never lived with her, and our environment. As Fanny’s song sang in my heart, I discerned that God tucks our soul back out of harm’s way, in a shady place, from which He shields our dry, thirsty personality. Renewal comes when our personality recognizes and accepts the shade He has provided for our soul, reconnects with the truth of whose we are as we recognize that our soul is His and bonds our Spirit or soul within us with our personality, so we can receive the benefits of the coolness and life-giving shelter it provides . . . as He covers us safely with His own hand. Thus renewed . . . we are wholly alive. Let us pray:

“Oh Father, shelter and protector of my soul, how magnificent and Holy is your name. May your golden kingdom include me, as I include you in my life. Allow me the privilege of being part of your will, living in your own kingdom where you rule and provide protection. I come before you, oh Lover of My Soul, asking you to renew the spirit within me, so that I may have new life in you and be reconnected, like a golden thread, from my heart to yours, ever shaded from the misery of the drying, killing sun. I accept your love, your life, your protection, your grace, and your forgiveness. Forgive me when I have thought I could live life on my own, independent from you. I know that my soul is yours and I cannot save it on my own, for it doesn’t belong to me. Give me a renewed heart and soul so that I may see the road signs when I wander from your path. I will give ALL honor and glory to you Father God, for only you are worthy of praise. Recognizing that without Jesus, I am powerless, I pray in the precious name of, and by the power of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Genesis 18: 23-28 “Then Abraham approached him (the Lord) and said, ‘Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing ‒ to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?’ The Lord said, ‘If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.’ Then Abraham spoke up again: ‘Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city because of five people?’ ‘If I find forty-five there,’ he said, ‘I will not destroy it.’”
[Then Abraham bargained more with the Lord until he got the number lower.]
Genesis 18: 32-33 “Then he said, ‘May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?’ He answered, ‘For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.’ When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.”
[But, the Lord could not even find ten righteous people and he utterly destroyed both Sodom and Gomorrah.]
We point out the un-Godliness of our own country at times, but perhaps, the entire country does not have to turn and see the sins we have committed and lead a righteous life, in order for our country to be spared. Will the Lord find ten righteous people in the United States so that we will not be destroyed? My friends, the time is NOW to get serious about our walk with the Lord. Can He count on you; can He count on me, to be one of the Ten? Let us pray:

“Our heavenly Father, you are the Holy One, the one true God. May we wake up and recognize your sovereignty over us and our country so that we may be spared the destruction that could come. Give us eyes that see, ears that hear, hearts that love, and tongues that express your mighty power, your forgiveness and grace, and your love. While we are unworthy to claim anything on our own, we pray for the gift of discernment through the promises of your son, Jesus Christ, that we might live righteous lives before you while yet here in the company of mankind. If ten are sufficient to spare our country of this calamity, let the willingness in our hearts to be counted among the Ten, be enough to spare our nation, ever knowing that perfection is not ours. Your Holy Spirit lives within us, so please recognize your children through your own spirit, Father, and heal our land. Forgive us when we, like errant children, have gone ‘out to play’ while the country of your blessing has burned. Let us no longer look to others to pray our nation into wholeness, but take our place as one of the Ten and humble ourselves before you and seek your face, and love your country back to health. To you we give all praise and glory, oh Father God. In the name of, and by the power of, your precious son, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, September 29, 2008


September 29, 2008

Our country is on the brink of a financial depression unlike anything America has seen since 1929. The symptoms of the financial “disease” have spread to Europe and around the world. Our congress is voting today for a bailout. God connected us to this world when he placed us here. We have all corrupted his world by believing that the “garden” itself was the miracle, not the creative God who breathed his breath into us and claimed us for his own. We, as a nation of believers, must turn our faces back to God and thank him for ALL of his blessings. Rather than looking at what we think we have lost, let us focus our hearts on what we have been given. Let us pray:
“Oh mighty God, creator of life and all there is, we humbly bow before your Holy name. You continue to create and recreate, even when we refuse to acknowledge your omnipotence. May we see your hand on our country as we dig out from under what greed has caused. Restore our country, your people, to the mighty nation you have called us to be. We pray today for wisdom, insight, unselfishness, and inspiration from you, for ourselves and our lawmakers, as they vote on these grave issues that underpin our national and personal financial security. Forgive us when we have wanted more and more of anything and everything, without considering the consequences of our childish desires. Forgive us when we have failed to be thankful for what we have been given and have neglected the care of what you have already intrusted into our safe keeping. We are like locusts, devouring the very blessings you have given us. Give us thankful hearts, an appetite for your love rather than for “things,” and the wisdom to insure that greed does not have a chance to destroy the very blessings you have given us. Forgive our laziness when we have not stood vigil over this “Shining city on a hill” and have allowed evil to creep across our borders. As stewards of your blessings, we have been called to stand guard, within the breech between our families and the world. Like Peter at Gestheme, forgive our falling asleep when we have been called to “wait and watch.” We cannot say like Peter did, “Our spirit is willing but our body is weak.” We have been weak in character, not body, for allowing this chaos to threaten our homes and families. Grant us awareness and discernment, so that we may each do our part in the crisis. To you, oh Father God, we will give ALL the glory for your healing of our land, if we but turn to you. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ your son, we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, September 22, 2008

Treasures in Heaven

September 22, 2008

“Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourself treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6: 19-21.
We all know what is going on in the financial world of today. Please, Dear Ones, know that the “financial world” is not part of the Kingdom of God. It isn’t anti-Kingdom, it’s just a separate entity. The Kingdom is “other” just as God is “Other” - not a piece of us. We are a piece of God when we are in keeping with his plan. As the financial world, even our own financial security come into concern, remember, our true treasure is in heaven. We must not choose to be financially illiterate or ignorant, by playing a “Pollyanna” (immature, unaware) game of - “God will send manna from heaven to settle in my back yard if I just believe He will.” We must be financially aware and responsible and do what we need to do to handle our physical house. But, our heavenly home is not contingent on what we have, what we do, who we are, or how much we have put in the bank. Our heavenly home is “other”. We are called to live responsibly in the world, while our heart is drawn toward “home.” Let us pray:
“Oh Father, God, who lives above the financial turmoil and within the hearts of those who invite you there, your name is Holy, not “Banker.” May your Kingdom dwell in our hearts so that we may be aware of your presence every day of our lives. We pray for our leaders, that their wisdom and unselfishness may bring about stability and restore prosperity to our country so that we may be a beacon of Freedom throughout the world again - for your sake. We also pray for a peace and calm to settle on our hearts, knowing your love and safety for our souls, and our place at the table in your Kingdom, are the security of which we seek. Forgive us when we have been irresponsible or have clung to security through ownership of “things” rather than finding safety in the bosom of your family. We wait humbly at your feet, Father. To you we give all honor and glory Father. In the name of Jesus, your son our savior and brother we pray. Amen”
And now we pause and wait for that blessed assurance that you have heard our sincere pray and will bless your people once again We will live today in the knowledge that we are a blessed people.

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Mighty WInd

September 15, 2008

A line from a song floods through my mind this morning. “Blow in like a mighty wind. Bless thy people once again.” A force of nature called “Ike” just blew through our southwest, then turned and burst though the Midwest on its way to the east. Our daughter, her husband and family, live in a Houston suburb, Katy, Texas, just beyond the third beltway to the west of the city. Even out there, they sustained damage to their home. There’s a hole in our granddaughter’s bedroom roof and the dining room window leaks, both at the front of the house. Their fence is down and a neighbor’s mailbox is in their front yard. They have no electricity. With the Katy Schools closed (both are teachers, Donna teaches in Houston) until the utilities are back on, they’ll do a complete assessment of their home today. The larger picture? GOD IS IN HIS HEAVEN AND ALL’S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD! He blew in like a mighty wind and can bless His children once again for those who seek His blessing. Let us remember those whose live’s were lost in hurricane Ike and those who are in the midst of the cleanup. Let them feel God’s loving hand upon their shoulder as they work to restore their homes to a safe haven. Let’s pray:

“Oh father of the wind and rain, we thank you for your blessings. Your name and presence were above the terrible wind. Your love reached out to all. At this time of grief, loss and “cleanup” we pray that your will and your plan may rise above the devastation so that heaven may be experienced by those who dig out. While some are now gone, we know those who sought your face and forgiveness are with you. For those who remain, we ask that you bless them with your strength, patience, hope, and perseverance. Surround and fill them with your love to calm the winds of fear, frustration, exhaustion, anger and doubt that may dwell within them. Forgive us when we become self-absorbed - “Why did this happen to me?” - for we know we live in the world where we are all subject to the winds of time. We are not yet in paradise. Still, we know you are even here, at the bottom of a rubble pile or in our comfortable homes. Let us, who have been untouched, find ways to help those less fortunate. To you we give all honor, and praise, and glory. In the name of your precious Son Jesus, our redeemer and savior we pray. Amen.”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


September 9, 2008

As we approach 911, let us remember we are all in a war, a war for our Christian beliefs, a war to maintain the values our country was founded on, a war for our very lives and safety. Let us pray this prayer today - on 9/09, and again on 9/10, 9/11, 9/12 and for many days to come:

“Oh most merciful God, whose hand stretches out and keeps us all, either safely in this world or in the next, we praise your precious, Holy name. May your kingdom come to dwell in our lives so that your will may be done there. We pray for the lives of those lost on 911 and strength for their families and loved ones through your presence. We pray for your love to drive out all anger from our lives so that only your grace and peace remain. You are God. Justice and consequences belong to you. We can let go of all hate, frustration and anger. We pray also for discernment that we might see evil where it exists, call it by name, and rely on you to destroy it. We ask your forgiveness where we have not spoken up and spoken out, and pray for courage to do so in the future. We pray that the events of 911 never happen again and that we will always be vigilant for signs that could detect the developing circumstances before they would ever happen. Deliver us from our own sin and the evil that is around us. We give you all the praise and glory. In the name of, and by the power of, your precious son’s name, Jesus our Savior, we pray. And now, we will live this day, secure in the knowledge that you have heard our prayer. Amen”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


September 2, 2008

September has blown in on our southern coast with gusto. Some people are temporarily displaced, and some have lost their homes or businesses. We also know it’s not over, as new hurricanes move in from the Pacific. Still, it could have been worse. Too often, we forget to give God praise for all He has done. We certainly see His hand at work through care-givers who acted in a timely manner, and we were amazed when the force of the wind was tamed. We now take time to give glory to God for His hand in our lives and the lives of those in the recent storms. We also pray for those who will be hit by the storms to come. The prayers of the faithful are always heard and they are answered in keeping with His plan. Let us praise the Lord for His power, love, and saving grace:

“Our Father, God, Holy is your name. We thank you for hearing our prayers and know you are answering them in keeping with your plan for us and for your people. Give us hearts that feel the concerns of your children, eyes that see their need, hands that reach out to help, and lips that give honor and glory to you and your son, Jesus, our blessed redeemer. Sometimes we are very self-centered and moan that you have not answered our pleading supplications, when, in fact, we were seeking to placate our own interests. We also pray for those who will be entering into their time of trial as new storms approach our coast. We thank you for your blessings, your love, your awesome power, your forgiveness and your grace. In the precious name of your son our savior, Jesus, we pray. Amen.”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, August 25, 2008


August 25, 2008

Friends, I feel compelled to write a prayer for those who struggle with commitment. Whether it’s at work or on the internet, some are threatening their relationship with those they claim to love by completely destroying the trust their loved one has in them, by forming affairs of the heart and/or mind. These are not normal friendships. Bonding with someone, other than your spouse, fiancee, or committed other, is to permanently damage your relationship. How can you avoid hurting your spouse or fiancee? - By avoiding caustic relationship - relationships that burn a hole in the heart of the one you claim to love. How do you avoid those outside relationships? 1. When you begin to feel attracted to another - and believe me throughout life, you will feel attracted to others - immediately stop the other contact. 2. Do not keep secrets from your loved one. The power of secrets, strengthen the acidic bond. 3. If you can’t be interrupted by your loved one, break off the relationship with the other. 4. If you are talking to the “other person” on the phone, in person, or on the internet and your loved one comes in or interrupts and you feel irritated or guilty, break off the other relationship immediately. Your loved one ALWAYS has first place in your heart and with your attention. You are ALWAYS a couple, even when they are not present. This is just a short list to begin but you get the idea. This is written in the first person so you can pass it on, to those who would benefit from praying it. Let’s pray:

“Father, God, lover of the family which is our heavenly unit, we bow before your holy name. May your love fill our homes and relationship to overflowing so there is no room for bonding with others that throw knives into the hearts of those we love: our spouse, our children, our fiancee, and our extended families who have taken our loved ones into their hearts as well. Build a shield around us so that attractions, to and from others, bounce off us, even before we are aware. If, or when, we become aware of an attraction to or from others, give us the character and strength to turn our backs on intruders into the safety of our family and loved ones. Forgive us for the pain that we have caused. We know how weak we can be but we trust in your strength and the power of the precious name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ to deliver us from the evil of betraying our loved ones, of killing their trust and crippling their belief in love. In the name or Jesus we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, August 18, 2008

Prayer For Our Youth - August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008

Good morning dear friends. I want to lift up our young people today. Our 13-year-old grandson, Tanner, broke his left femur last Monday during school football, the day before school started. One tackle, months and months of healing - no football, no basketball, and perhaps no baseball next summer. Also, our great-niece started college last week, and our granddaughter begins college in a week or two, others begin school, and our last daughters begin college in a week. Friends have children and grandchildren in the military around the world. We ask a lot of our children. Let’s support them daily with our prayers. Perhaps you’ll want to go on my blog and pray this prayer daily for the youth of our country. Let’s pray:

“Our loving Father, God, we humbly bow before you, for you are our All-in-all. We try to understand you with our own logic, when you are outside of our logic, our reason, our understanding. Without fully knowing your plans for ourselves, our families, and our friends, we trust you and pray that your perfect plan may manifest itself in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We pray today for our young people everywhere: school, college, work, and around the world. Heal their bodies, their souls, and keep them safe. We pray for their needs and ask that you tame their wants. Give them grateful hearts and keep them safely within your outstretched arms, cradled there like the children you have claimed as your own. May they find you in college, school, and everywhere, for you are there with them. Forgive us if we have not prepared them well. We also know that your work through us and in us is not done. Our children will need our love and guidance all the days of our lives and beyond. Give us insight into the wisdom we are to leave with them. When they seek your face and find you smiling, we will shout, “Glory to God,” for your presence, your healing, and love. We pray this all in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, your precious son, our redeemer. Amen.”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Long Leaving

I was thinking about someone with Alzheimer’s disease this morning. As I watch him, I think of it as the “Long Leaving.” His personality comes through from time to time and I thank God for the snippets of the one I knew but who has already started for Home. Let us pray:

“Oh Loving Father, the God of all that is good and right and beautiful, we sing your praises for the opportunity to know, and to have known, those who struggle with this world as they journey Home. We call its name Alzheimer’s and ask that you cast out our fear when we hear it mentioned. We know not why some reach the doorsteps of Heaven in a flash as the result of an accident or sudden death, and others linger along the way, neither here nor totally there. But, as we watch their eyes and see them leaving us, we know they are nearing your arms and we shout for joy for their arriving Home. We miss them and sometimes grow impatient with their Long Leaving, but we also rest assured that, if they are not here with us, they are there with you. It is our own impatience that is the hard part of their journey. Let us not grow weary in taking care of the body, as we watch the Spirit leave. We, your children, are not long on patience and for that we seek your forgiveness. We pray for a full measure of love, so we can see our loved ones safely leave this earth. We thank you for being at the door, calling them home, to insure they don’t lose their way. Thank you, Father, for all your blessings. We praise you and give you glory and honor and praise. In the name of your son, our redeemer, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Monday, July 28, 2008

ANNIVERSARY - July 28, 2008

Last Friday was our anniversary and I thought of all the milestones along our way. We never made a million dollars, but we made millions of friends and acquaintances along the way; we have cherished children; and both of us are blessed with wonderful families of origin. We never saw the Red Sea part, but we had miracles, designed just for us, that gathered around us, knee-deep, when we took the time to see them. We didn’t have our every prayer answered, praise the Lord, but He did answer every prayer that fulfilled His plan for us. Come to think of it, I guess we did see the red Sea part, as situation made way for even us to serve Him. Let’s pray:

“Our Father God, Heaven and earth are full of thee. May we each have a heart and eyes to see your presence here on earth. We come before the footstool of your thrown to ask that we may be blessed with the awareness of your revealed heart around us. Let us have a glimpse of your glory each day, not for our benefit but for your glorification, so that we might praise you even more. You are the ‘all-in-all” oh Father, the beginning and the end, and the rapture of our heart. Forgive us when we have said, “Your blessings have not been enough; I want more,” when we haven’t even acknowledged the blessings we have already received. Forgive us when we cry to you out of our loneliness, and fail to recognize the beautiful friends you have put in our path. Our loneliness isn’t physical, it is spiritual, for we keep ourselves from fully embracing you, our Father. Keep us close to you, even when we have drifted from your path. In the Holy, precious name of your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, July 21, 2008

Property Tax Day Celebration - July 21, 2008

Today is Property Tax Day here in Indiana. I have capitalized it so we might see it as a celebration day, a holiday, rather than an expensive obligation. Holiday? Doris, you’ve got to be kidding! I believe it is a privilege to live in a city in the United States of America. I consider it a blessing that water comes into my home through pipes rather than from a pitcher pump in the back yard from which I must fetch it. I feel blessed that my children receive a free education from the time they are five-years-old until they are 18+, and other blessings I can not number. I am sure you can make your own list. Please take the time to do so as you pay your property tax today. Let us pray:

“Oh loving Father, we praise your name above all names. May we see your kingdom come and dwell within us this very day, so your plan for our lives may be fulfilled in your time. We pray today to receive a blessing as we pay our property tax, a blessing of joy and thanksgiving. We thank you for clean water, smooth roads, safe neighborhoods, free education, help in time of fire and disaster, and so much more. We have an abundance of everything and are so blessed. Forgive us when what we have is not enough, not big enough or fancy enough for our own sense of entitlement. Open our eyes to your blessings that fall around us freely, like the gentle rain from Heaven, refreshing and nourishing our very souls. Keep us from self-centeredness, self-praise, and self-interest. Deliver us to a right relationship with you, oh Father, where we are God-centered, full of God-praise, and seeking God’s-interest. Let there rise up a new generation, not the me-generation, the You-generation, where You, Father God, are at the center of our lives. In your precious sons’s name, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, we pray. Amen.”
Doris Rapp
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happiness in Our Blessings - July 15, 2008

Today we saw the movie, Kit Kittredge, An American Girl. The movie is based on the American Girl books about a ten-year-old, Kitt, who lives in Cincinnati in 1933, during the Depression. It not only brought to mind what those who lived through those years must have gone through, but what their children endured as well. I know times are financially hard now, due to the cost of gasolene, which has raised the price of many other things as well. But, my dear ones, we do not need what we think we need. Our happiness is not based on how much we have . . . and if it is, we have our priorities all mixed up. No matter how bad Kit Kittredge found life to be, all she wanted was her father to be home. We mistakenly believe our children are as materialistic as we are. They don’t want more. They want us. Let us pray for a return to value placed on the lives of our children, our families, and our friends, not on the toys we have.

“Our loving father, you have no house or car or clothes, yet you are God Almighty. We pray that your name alone will bring joy to our hearts and wealth to our souls. May we begin to live the life of a Prince or Princess in your Kingdom, this very day. Our wealth is uncountable, for all that’s yours, is ours. Our diamonds are our children, our golden nuggets are our families, our silver jewels are our friends. Yet, we think we haven’t enough. We are shamed by those you actually had nothing, yet found joy in the abundance you gave them. Forgive us for our thirst for money, for it is unquenchable. We are gluttons for more. Our soul is bankrupt, no matter how much we have, if you are not the center of our world. Open our eyes to the joy around us, oh Father. We pray in the name of your precious son, Jesus, our redeemer. Amen”
Doris Rapp
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Prayer for Our Children

As we pray for our miliary and their safety, let’s remember the children of our land who find themselves on the “front line” with no experience to handle the frontal attack of the world. Let us pray:
“Our loving father, Daddy to our children as well as Father to all of us, Holy is your name. May your will be done in our lives as it is in Heaven. We come before your throne, oh God, asking for the safety of our children. Our little ones find themselves with a parent away at war; they find themselves in the middle of a war in their own homes; and they find themselves in the midst of war on their own streets and in their own communities. Safety, security, and predictability are what they need and deserve. We ask that you wrap your loving arms around them and give them comfort. We pray that you will send your angels, to stand guard around each of our children, to stand in the doorway to their safe place and face the world on their behalf. We pray for the safety and sanity of their parents, that these little ones may be lifted up so that their needs and security are primary in the hearts of their parents and the minds of all those around them. Forgive us when we put “self” first: self-needs, self-indulgence, and self-interests. And, deliver us and our children safely on the other side of the river called “me”. We pray that your will is welcome in our lives and we give you all the praise and glory, both now and in our future days. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, we pray. Amen.”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July 2008

I have chosen to write this week’s prayer for our On-line Prayer Group today, to celebrate the 4th of July. Our ancestors sacrificed so much so that we could live in a land that is free. Young men and women, who could be home with family and career, continue to make the same sacrifice so that we and others can live in a democratic society. Let us pray for them and their families:

“Oh Loving Father, God, we worship you and praise your name. We come before you on this day that we celebrate liberty, and ask you to watch over those who continue to sacrifice for our freedoms. Send your angels to build a shield of protection around each one, to protect them from harm, and doubt, and fear. Give them courage, insight, and strength to do the task put before them, that all men and women may be free. We pray also for their families and loved-ones. Let them realize the mighty job their family member is called to do. Whisper calm and peace in their ears, like a gentle breeze blowing off the sea and carry them all to a time of peace. In the name of Jesus, our Savior, we pray. Amen”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday - June 23, 2008

Blessings Upon Blessings
We just got back from vacation. Yes, the price of gas was high and yes, we had to drive our old minivan and yes, we had to conserve on spending. Yet, we still had a wonderfully relaxing time, far greater than I could have imagined as a child. We are all so spoiled. Let us praise our God for all the blessings we have, not beg for all the wants we think we deserve and must have.
“Our Father, God, blessed be your Holy name. May we be aware of the rich privilege of living so near Heaven each day, as we share your love with others, that we can feel the brush of angel wings. We praise you and thank you for the beautiful lives of the children you lent to us, to call our own for this brief time on Earth. We know the awesome responsibility we have as parents, and willingly sacrifice our wants and desires for material possessions, so we can spend the time necessary to mold them into your people. We thank you for the country we call home. You painted the mountains with a broad brush of color and covered it with a veil of breathy dew. Your woods and forests are lush and green with life. Your skies are splashed with blue and dotted with winged creation that can soar above us and sing songs of joy to our hearts. Yet, we complain if our television is not large enough or our cell phone doesn’t have as many bells and whistles as our friend’s phone, or that our computer doesn’t entertain us for a full eight hours, the time our precious families need in order to grow and be healthy. We become angry and dissatisfied when our toys are smaller than those in another’s play pen. Forgive us for not seeing the beauty you have given us, beauty in our family and friends and in your world. We live to want, rather than want to live . . . the life of simple satisfaction, resting in the love you have given us. May we see the beauty in WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE, rather than seek satisfaction in what we have not. What we do not have but want, never gives contentment . . . how could it? We have it not, and when we get it, we want it not. We only want the next larger size. We pray that your love for us will be enough to fill our lives with joy. How could pure love NOT be enough? Yet, it isn’t for most of us? Forgive us for not being thankful. Forgive us for not seeing beauty all around us, for not being aware of you, standing at the doorway to our heart, asking to come in. In the name of Jesus, your son, we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday - June 16, 2008

Every Day Is Fathers Day
Yesterday was Father’s Day and my heart was focused on mothers. Why? In today’s society, mothers make fathers for their children. No, not “create;” that’s God’s province. Mothers “make” fathers . . . or they “break” them. As grandparents, we hinder or help the vital growth of our grandchildren by the way we treat their father. As mothers, our job is even more awesome.
Children need their fathers more now than they ever have. Daddy has been their first playmate, who teaches them how to be fair, yet to reach beyond themselves to achieve even more than they had ever dreamed. Dad is the moral compass of the family, he who teaches tots and teens right from wrong and to accept the consequences of their choices. When children stayed home with mom and their siblings, and Dad went out into the world to fend off the tiger at the door, it was enough for the children to be under their father’s influence for brief moments when Dad returned from battle or at sundown when they came in from the fields. And, . . . the sons of the father went into the fields with them. Now, we turn our children loose into a world of chaos and danger, with no Father at their back or by their side. We, as mothers, have too often trivialized “Dad” and make him the “joke” of the family . . . “He who does not have to be listened to.” We side with our own family and friends and deem our children’s father irrelevant, at a time when Dad is the most important piece of armor our children have, in a world at war with itself, a battle to gain the heart and soul of each one of us. When we demean “Dad,” we weaken our own children, we cripple them for the race they must run.
Let us pause for a moment to pray for fathers everywhere. Every one of them needs our support. Every one of them has been declared a “target,” to be shot at, torn down, trampled on, and stepped over. Yet, Daddy is whom our children call for in times of need. Remember once again, to whom we offer our prayers and supplications, Father God. What kind of “God the Father” is being built in the minds of our children? Let us pray:
“Oh Dear Father God, Holy is your precious and mighty name. May your kingdom of truth and righteousness come to us even as we live here and walk the path toward Home. Yet we fear that same presence, for we have sinned against the other half you have created, the Father half. Give your mighty strength, insight, and love to fathers everywhere. Our children desperately need their wisdom and presence. Just now, the very fact we may have dismissed the word “wisdom” as coming from our children’s father, displays our own sin. Forgive us Father, as you forgive those fathers who have walked away from their children, or those who have angrily done battle with the mother for the right to be “Dad.” Speak to their dear hearts and tell them to lay all rancor aside. They do not have to fight for the right to be “Daddy,” since that privilege and responsibility was given to them by you, at the time you built the mighty mountains and forged the deepest seas. No one else has to validate their role as “Daddy,” since you stamped their heart with an imprint named “Dad” when their first child was born. Father is not an earthly title. It’s an awesome crown they can and must wear. Whisper love in their heart and tell them they are, and always will be, “Pappa” to their kids, the lover of their soul. They are Dad, that is an undisputable fact. They are either a good and present dad, or a poor and absent dad, and the fault of that perception may too often lie with the mother and other family members. Forgive us, oh Father God, for we have sinned against you. We pray that you will bind-up our ability to put fathers down. Seal our lips and our actions. Cast Satan’s plan of destroying families into the deepest pit. You, Father, blessed us with family: earthly family, church family, and a heavenly family. Whether we are in an intact family or a separated one, turn our hearts so completely to you that it will be impossible for us to ever again laugh at a “dad” joke, view a program with a bumbling father and say that’s entertainment, or ridicule the only father our dear children will ever have. Forgive us, so that we may be able to spend eternity with our forever “little ones.” In the precious name of your Son, our redeemer, our brother in the family of God, we pray.
Amen, may it be so.”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday - June 9, 2008

Today, let us pray for our families. It’s our oldest daughter’s birthday and family is all about our children. Let’s also remember those family members who have passed over to Glory, for once they have touched our lives, they are always part of us, whether that be for moments or years.
Let us pray:
“Our Father God, we are “family” with you. Your son, our Savior Jesus, the Christ, claimed us for His own and shed His blood that we might be able to draw near to Home without fear. Through Jesus, we can call you Abba, Daddy. We pray, oh Father, for all of our children, that they may know you and receive your son as their redeemer. We pray for our children who have gone astray from us and you. We pray for those who were family, then wanted release from family. But, you know that is not possible. Family is always family. We pray that they may one day know you as Lord, and be reunited into the family of God in Heaven. Forgive us when we have made it hard for them to see you through us, because of our actions or sins. Give us your strength and insight, that our hearts may be turned toward Heaven, so your light may shine through. We lift up all the shining souls in our lives and give you all glory for their radiance. You spoke worlds and stars into being by the Word, which then became flesh and dwelled with us on Earth. Certainly, you can whisper love into the ear of our children. That same utterance, can change lives. In the name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday - June 2, 2008

Our lovely granddaughter graduated from high school yesterday, as did many of your family and friends. Let us hold all of them in our prayers.
"Our loving Father, we praise your holy name. May our children who graduate at this time, be held within your protective arms all their days. We know they are being launched into a whole new world from that of our beginning, but not so different from the world of their grandparents. But wars and rumors of war have been with us since Biblical times but you are consistaet. Holy, holy, holy is your name and the love, forgiveness, compassion, a grace you give to all your children who call upon your name. Some of our lovelies will go to the wonder and danger of a worldly college, some to work, and some to war. We ask that you go before them, bless their new and unknown roommates, their professors, and make your presence known to all. Prepare a place for them in the safety of your smile. Forgive us where we have not adequately prepared them, and lift up the positive messages of love when we spoke words of love and songs of you. As they succeed, may all glory and honor and praise be yours oh Father, God. In the name of your precious son, Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen"

Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26, 2008 - Memorial Day

Today we remember. We pause and lift up those who have died in service to our country, those who have sacrificed their youth for all of us, and our Christ who gave His life that we might live. Let us pray -
"Oh gracious and one true God, we bow before your name. May your light shine on all of us through a day of remembering loss and life. Let those memories be not of pain, but of joy for all our fallen and injured have meant to us, have done for us, and continue to inspire us all. May we remember your son, Jesus, and His death that we might live eternally and free from death both now and in Heaven. We honor our fallen boys and girl who died, were injured, and who have sacrificed that we might live in a free land while we walk this path of love. Let us remember those who still live in darkness. We pray that they will soon be able to walk into the light of your love. Deliver us all from the evil around us. May all glory and power be yours and may we realize that in our hearts so that your glory and power may be revealed in our souls. We pray through your son, our Lord Jesus. Amen"
Doris Rapp

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19, 2008 - The Persecuted Church

Dear Ones,
We often "remember" the persecuted church of Jesus Christ when we are reminded to remember. For me, that happened again last week. Let's pray for the persecuted church in our On-Line Prayer Group. Later, you can go back to this blog " pray the prayers that have been lifted up over the weeks, including this one and/or request other prayers.
"Our loving father of your son Jesus the Christ and father of the Church of all believers in you through Him, we bow before your holy name. May your plan for the Church be fulfilled in your time. Today, we are praying for your precious Church around the world that is being persecuted for your name's sake. Give your Church fresh faith and strength to acknowledge you as they continue to preach the name of Jesus. We are sometimes so self-important, Father, we forget that those of us who believe in you and your son, Jesus, here in America are also a Persecuted Church. Our persecution is more subtle and sometimes unseen. Because of the covert activity of those who would weaken the Church, we often dismiss their effort. We must be even more diligent and watchful for these veiled attacks on your message. They are harder for us to recognize. Give us eyes that see, ears that are open to You , and hearts that discern between your word and the message of the world. May all glory and honor be yours, oh Father. In the name of, and through the power of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen"

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008 - Spring Dreams

We all have dreams. Some of our dreams seem out of our grasp and others are all around us but we've failed to see the potential. They are God's dreams for us. Come, Lovelies, let us pray that His dreams will be ours.
Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, your name is in each Spring: Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Fairest of Ten-Thousand. May we see your kingdom around us and within so that your Light shines forth through even us. We thank you, Father, for newness of life and know you have placed the promise of Spring in our hearts. Our days in May are all new, and fresh, and lovely. They are our dreams and our plans. But, sometimes, Father, we want only our dreams and forget that the more perfect dream centers around your plan. Whisper to us on the Spring air, of your love, your grace, and your perfect image for us, held close to you, the very heart of God. Then our true Spring will actually dawn. Forgive us for our selfishness and self-centeredness. May all that we are and do, be to your glory, Father, so that your power may be revealed to the whole world. In the name of, and by the power of, your precious son, Jesus, we prayey. Amen
In His Love,

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday - May 5, 2008

Tomorrow is primary election day in Indiana. This is not a plea for candidate endorsement. This is the "On-line Prayer Group" prayer for Spirit-filled, strong, and fair leaders. Let us pray:

Our Father, God, your name is Holy, Holy, Holy. We pray that your presence in the Holy Spirit will draw so near to us, that we experience your Heaven here on earth. Your Word says, if we pray for our leaders, you will hear and answer our prayer. We do this today. May each leader, local, national, and inter-national, be filled with your Spirit, your wisdom, your compassion, your forgiveness, and your grace. Like Paul, may each be changed from unaware, condemning-Saul, into a follower of your son, the Prince of Peace, the Rose of Sharon, the Bright and Morning Star. May each lose all self-serving inclinations, all party identifications, all power-hungering motives, and strive only to serve you and your people. May it be so in our states, our country, and around the world. May you whisper so sweetly in each ear, that they cannot fail to recognize your voice and follow you. May they be strong in character, weak in self-interest, and mighty in your power. We ask that they seek no recognition for themselves but bask in the brilliant light of your glory Forgive us when we have been civically lazy and indifferent. May we forgive those we have elected and then didn't monitor or advise them, for we share in their misjudgment. Lead us into the ways of true citizenship and responsible community living. We pray in your precious, awesome son, Jesus', name. Amen

Please pass this prayer on to friends and family For those receiving this invitation to prayer, through the On-line Prayer Group, via email, you may respond to this prayer or request another at:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May 1, 2008 - World Day of Prayer

Today is World Day of Prayer. Let's all join in prayer for our community, our state, our country, and our world.
Father God, Abba, Daddy, your sacred name is above all names. We pray for your kingdom of peace and love to reign over all the earth, that Heaven may draw near. We pray today, on this World Day of Prayer, that you will hear our words of confession and supplication and heal our land as your Word promised. Forgive us all for our history of conquest over your native people and slavery unto your precious children. Forgive us when we maintain a superior attitude or a captured spirit, for we have all been conquered and enslaved at times. The pit is not our home or your place of harmony and love. We ask only to be in service to you, that your will may be done. We pray for peace throughout the world, that all people may be free to love and serve you. Give us your strength and grace to forgive those who would bring us down or hold us down, misinterpret our motives, and harm our children. Your grace will cure the whole world if we are grace-filled. We also pray for our boys and girls in uniform. They are called to serve the cause of peace throughout the world. Many are in harm's way but you have told us that you will walk through the fire with us. We pray for your presence and the awareness of your sweet presence with them and with us, as we each walk through the flames in our own lives. Turn our eyes from self-serving attention so that all glory and praise will be yours. May your healing light shine on your world forever. We pray in the power and the dear name of your son, our precious Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Call To Prayer and an On-line Prayer Group

Beloved of God,
Thursday will be the World Day of Prayer. I'm calling all who pray to join me in an "on-line prayer group." We live in times when all His children must go to Him in prayer. Thursday, I'll email a prayer for our country and the wonderful world God has created. Every Monday that follows, I'll email a prayer so that all may participate in an on-going "on-line prayer group." Please forward to all your friends. When His children pray, He listens. After you have prayed the prayer I've suggested, you can go to my Prayer Therapy blog,, and request prayer from the on-line prayer group or respond to a written prayer. Please, be reverent and Holy as you write and respond. Let us pray,
"Oh precious Father, Holy is your name. May the kingdom of your glory come to us all, so that your will may come to reign here with us as the angels enjoy in Heaven. Today, I pray that all will feel your whisper to come and commune with you. You have said, when a people pray, you will come and heal their land. We claim that promise for the United States and for all your beautiful children around the world. Forgive us where we have stood in the way of your healing and give us your strength and compassion to forgive others who have blinded our awareness of your power and grace. Guard us from the temptation to want attention for ourselves, so that all Glory and Honor may be yours and yours alone. In the name of our precious Lord Jesus, your son and our Saviour, we pray. Amen"
Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the day we celebrate love. Sometimes love is hard to find or hard to keep but God's love is always there, steadfast and faithful. God believes in us and we believe in Him. Our picture is surely hanging on His refrigerator door. Remember to thank Him daily, for all His love, forgiveness, and grace. Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Happy New Year 2008! There is a whole new year out in front of us. It waits for us as God waits for us to love and serve Him. Hallelujah! Just one picture and it is a Christmas one. It is the new display to replace the Christmas tree in our front window. It is a Nativity scene we bought many years ago when Bill and I were in college, we had three young children, and he was earning only $4,000. a year, serving as pastor of a small church down in the Rio Grand/Mesilla Valley in New Mexico. We paid $10. for the Nativity set and have loved and used it each year since then. It depicts THE ONLY REASON FOR THE SEASON. My prayer for you for 2008, is that you will find the Christmas child this year and welcome Him and His Father into your life and heart. I also pray that you may be given the privilege of sacrificing for your Lord, knowing that it is all for Him and Him alone. If you have not sacrificed for the Lord, you have not as yet truly lived. Seek an opportunity to service Him this year.In His Love,Doris