Many are anxious at this 2008 election season. I would like to pass on to all of you, a peace that has come over me since last Monday. God is a never-ending source of our strength and peace.
Even in Jesus’ day, the long arm of Rome had stretched over their country when Tiberious Claudius Nero ruled Israel. But, Jesus didn’t come to overthrow Caesar. He came to conquer sin and death and insure our salvation through him. After election day, nothing of God will change.
As for our blessed country, we are called to stand guard, to insure the preservation of our freedoms and way of life. I was privileged to meet a prayer intercessor last Wednesday and she lifted up, Isaiah 63: (6) “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourself no rest, (7) and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem.” As citizens of the kingdom of heaven and of earth, we are called to live lives that will honor him and bear testimony to the gifts of grace and peace we receive from him and to stand watch, that our country remains free.
We are also called to be “watchmen on the wall,” protecting God’s word for our soul and guarding our country with our vote and voice. Will you agree to be one of the ten (see a previous prayer) . . . and a watchman? You know, you are already a watchman on the wall, guarding our freedoms by speaking truth to ears that may not want to hear. How well you “watch” for the Lord is up to you. Let us pray:
“Oh loving father of our Lord Jesus, who called a few of his disciples to “watch and wait” in the garden on the Mount of Olives, how precious is your name above all names, Yahweh. May your kingdom come and make its home in our lives, that your will may be done perfectly, powerfully in us. We continue to pray for those who are captured by illness and ask that you set them free. We also pray for insight, wisdom, discernment, and a voice to bravely speak out concerning the truth you give us. We ask for your forgiveness when we have remained reticent and weak. Give us your strength that we may be true watchmen on the wall, protecting your church that Jesus gave us with his blood, and the glorious country of freedom you gave to us, that others earned with their sacrifice. All we have had to do was protect it, and lately, we would not. Forgive us, Father God and lead us away from the temptation to be careless again. Deliver us from what we do not know will come and bless our land again. To you we give all glory, honor, and praise, God of all. In the precious name of, and by the power of, your son our savior we pray. Amen”
Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
16 years ago