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Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26, 2008 - Memorial Day

Today we remember. We pause and lift up those who have died in service to our country, those who have sacrificed their youth for all of us, and our Christ who gave His life that we might live. Let us pray -
"Oh gracious and one true God, we bow before your name. May your light shine on all of us through a day of remembering loss and life. Let those memories be not of pain, but of joy for all our fallen and injured have meant to us, have done for us, and continue to inspire us all. May we remember your son, Jesus, and His death that we might live eternally and free from death both now and in Heaven. We honor our fallen boys and girl who died, were injured, and who have sacrificed that we might live in a free land while we walk this path of love. Let us remember those who still live in darkness. We pray that they will soon be able to walk into the light of your love. Deliver us all from the evil around us. May all glory and power be yours and may we realize that in our hearts so that your glory and power may be revealed in our souls. We pray through your son, our Lord Jesus. Amen"
Doris Rapp

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19, 2008 - The Persecuted Church

Dear Ones,
We often "remember" the persecuted church of Jesus Christ when we are reminded to remember. For me, that happened again last week. Let's pray for the persecuted church in our On-Line Prayer Group. Later, you can go back to this blog " pray the prayers that have been lifted up over the weeks, including this one and/or request other prayers.
"Our loving father of your son Jesus the Christ and father of the Church of all believers in you through Him, we bow before your holy name. May your plan for the Church be fulfilled in your time. Today, we are praying for your precious Church around the world that is being persecuted for your name's sake. Give your Church fresh faith and strength to acknowledge you as they continue to preach the name of Jesus. We are sometimes so self-important, Father, we forget that those of us who believe in you and your son, Jesus, here in America are also a Persecuted Church. Our persecution is more subtle and sometimes unseen. Because of the covert activity of those who would weaken the Church, we often dismiss their effort. We must be even more diligent and watchful for these veiled attacks on your message. They are harder for us to recognize. Give us eyes that see, ears that are open to You , and hearts that discern between your word and the message of the world. May all glory and honor be yours, oh Father. In the name of, and through the power of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen"

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008 - Spring Dreams

We all have dreams. Some of our dreams seem out of our grasp and others are all around us but we've failed to see the potential. They are God's dreams for us. Come, Lovelies, let us pray that His dreams will be ours.
Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, your name is in each Spring: Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Fairest of Ten-Thousand. May we see your kingdom around us and within so that your Light shines forth through even us. We thank you, Father, for newness of life and know you have placed the promise of Spring in our hearts. Our days in May are all new, and fresh, and lovely. They are our dreams and our plans. But, sometimes, Father, we want only our dreams and forget that the more perfect dream centers around your plan. Whisper to us on the Spring air, of your love, your grace, and your perfect image for us, held close to you, the very heart of God. Then our true Spring will actually dawn. Forgive us for our selfishness and self-centeredness. May all that we are and do, be to your glory, Father, so that your power may be revealed to the whole world. In the name of, and by the power of, your precious son, Jesus, we prayey. Amen
In His Love,

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday - May 5, 2008

Tomorrow is primary election day in Indiana. This is not a plea for candidate endorsement. This is the "On-line Prayer Group" prayer for Spirit-filled, strong, and fair leaders. Let us pray:

Our Father, God, your name is Holy, Holy, Holy. We pray that your presence in the Holy Spirit will draw so near to us, that we experience your Heaven here on earth. Your Word says, if we pray for our leaders, you will hear and answer our prayer. We do this today. May each leader, local, national, and inter-national, be filled with your Spirit, your wisdom, your compassion, your forgiveness, and your grace. Like Paul, may each be changed from unaware, condemning-Saul, into a follower of your son, the Prince of Peace, the Rose of Sharon, the Bright and Morning Star. May each lose all self-serving inclinations, all party identifications, all power-hungering motives, and strive only to serve you and your people. May it be so in our states, our country, and around the world. May you whisper so sweetly in each ear, that they cannot fail to recognize your voice and follow you. May they be strong in character, weak in self-interest, and mighty in your power. We ask that they seek no recognition for themselves but bask in the brilliant light of your glory Forgive us when we have been civically lazy and indifferent. May we forgive those we have elected and then didn't monitor or advise them, for we share in their misjudgment. Lead us into the ways of true citizenship and responsible community living. We pray in your precious, awesome son, Jesus', name. Amen

Please pass this prayer on to friends and family For those receiving this invitation to prayer, through the On-line Prayer Group, via email, you may respond to this prayer or request another at: