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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, April 27, 2009


This is a new Monday, in a new week, in a new month on Friday. I remember when our son was ten; he fell out of the neighbor’s hay loft and broke both bones in both arms. While we waited several hours for the orthopedic doctor to come and reset his arms, a nice lady said softly, “Isn’t it nice that God gives us a new day tomorrow.” No matter what had happened yesterday, sinking economy, swine flu, broken hearts, or broken bones, God will give us a new day tomorrow. That is the secret to living a long life: accepting God’s blessing of a new day, every day, letting go of the pain and disappointment of the past, and looking forward to the dawning of that new day. Everything is new and fresh and waiting to bless us. Can we love and trust God enough to accept his amazing gift of a new day? Let us pray:

“Oh beautiful Light of Glory and Creation, God Almighty, holy, holy, holy is your name. May your kingdom of blessedness come upon us and dwell within us, just as the angels in heaven experience your presence. We pray that awareness will dawn on our hearts today, just like day dawns on the morning, that we may know the newness of this hour and rejoice, giving thanks for this new beginning. All has been forgiven, all mistakes have been put behind us, and the blessing of a new life has been given to us by your amazing grace. Forgive us when we have not gratefully accepted your cherished gift of forgiveness and a fresh beginning each and every morning of our life. May we be given a pure and loving heart so that we may forgive those who choose to hold on to the pain of yesterday, and blame us for every slight. We may not be able to change their mind, but we can change our response to their pain and not make it our own. To you, oh Father, God, we give all glory for this daily miracle of new day, a new birth of the soul. In the name of and by the power of your precious son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen”
“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, April 20, 2009


There is a mighty wind just over the ridge, moving toward us. It is the breath of God, seeking believers as it moves on through toward Glory. I have been aware of a stirring within the church of Jesus Christ, a longing for truth and a return to the values God carved for us all with this own finger. It is for this very day that we are called to take a stand, to hold the ground, to reach out our hand and grasp the finger tip of God. Prepare your heart, your mind, and your soul for the wonderful blessings of God that he is ready to pour out on his people. These stressful financial times are our opportunity to recognize what really has value in our lives. Do not moan about what you do not have, but lift up each blessing you have received, and rejoice. The only things of value are the things of God: his children are your children, his love is your love, his glory will be your glory in Heaven if you have found the secret blessing of life. That secret is that the kingdom of God is already within us when we believe in him. Glory is here and now. Let us pray:

“Oh Father of my soul, holy, holy, holy is your name. I invite your spirit to live within me. Let me recognize your presence each day. Your presence alone makes each day a walk through Glory. May this day be the moment I see you beside me, within me, around me, that you may draw others to yourself through this humble servant. I am willing to gather your flock as I walk along, but shield my awareness as your shepherd, for this earthly personality is not big enough to take on any praise. Forgive me if I have not reflected glory back to you, for all glory, laud and honor are yours, Father God. Blow in like a might wind and touch your people once again. In the name of your precious son, Jesus the Christ, I pray. Amen”

“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, April 13, 2009


My cousin Claudia died last week and we celebrated her HOME COMING on Saturday, the day before Easter. She simply went to bed on Monday evening and woke up in the arms of God. She knew where she was going and wasn’t afraid. Because there was a first Easter, it was possible for her to go home to you, God. It is because of the day after Easter, and the message of the Risen Christ, that Claudia, and you and I, have been introduced to the Christ of the empty tomb and the gift of Salvation, grace, mercy, and eternal life. We are a Resurrection People, an Easter People, the People of Love and Peace. Are we continuing the work of those who spread Christ’s message over the last two thousand years, or have we let the message fall to the ground at our feet where we have stepped on it, stepped over it, and walk on - to where? There would be no where worth going if Jesus Christ didn’t go with us. I pray that you have a safe journey HOME, as you gather the lovelies of God along your way. Let us pray:

“Oh precious Heavenly Father, Holy is your name. May your kingdom of love come and dwell within us, so Heaven may begin in our hearts this day. We ask on this Easter Monday that you accept our gift of service to you. We know that we are not able to draw others to you on our own merit, as if we had something important to say. But you, Father, can speak Eternity through us. We have the awesome responsibility of introducing Salvation to those around us. We know we stumble, so we pray this very day, that you will use our witness and our words, to say exactly what someone needs to hear in order to rest in you, without our even being aware of our gift of the words of Life. Forgive us when we have not spoken out for you or when we have not let you lead in the gathering of others to you. May you shine forth from our lives so others will know that you live. May all glory be yours, oh Father, that your message may not be tarnished by our imperfections. In the name of your own son, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen”


Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today is the day after Palm Sunday, the day that ushers in Holy Week. And yet, here in Indiana, we have snow again. The first snow of winter is usually beautifully fluffy and white and clean. The first snow of spring doesn’t offer the same enjoyment, however, at least not for me. But it is a reminder that this is God’s world, not mine. And Holy Week and Easter are God’s days, not mine. It’s not about white rabbits, chocolate candy, sweet ruffled dresses with large sashes, or shinny new shoes. It’s about the sacrifice of God himself, who walked and taught and healed here on earth in the form of Jesus the Christ. We, as a Christian nation, must turn our hearts to the Lord and praise His holy name for His gifts that brought salvation to us, through the grace, or gift, of God. The Bible tells us that God lives in the praises of His people. When we think of Palm Sunday, praise and worship sum up the day. Let us not forget the meaning of the Easter season this year, to sing His praises and tell of His love. Let us be faithful as God is faithful to us. Let us pray:

“Holy God, father of our Savior Jesus Christ, we lift up our hearts in love to you. Also, we raise our hands, for hearts are often unseen by others, but hands can be counted. We openly worship you as our God through the sacrifice of your son, Jesus. May your kingdom come and dwell in our lives so that Heaven may be experienced in our lives. For such a time as this, oh Father, we want to be counted as your people. Give us courage, hope, and blessed insight into the needs of your people and our blessed nation. Strengthen our resolve to be a free and democratic nation, always seeking the welfare of your people. Forgive us for our greed, selfishness, and lack of empathy for those around us. Pour out your love on us all like the gentle rain from heaven that watered our land all day yesterday. We love you, Lord, and we want to live honorable, Christ-like lives in service to you. “Heaven came down and glory filled” the world two-thousand years ago. May we all be touched by the breath of heaven once again, filling us with your Holy Spirit that we may carry you wherever we go. In the name of your son, our redeemer, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”