Our country has been thrust into a deep chasm of partisan rhetoric. We fall deeper and deeper when we fail to realize that our political beliefs are not our gods. Or are they? If we are children of the God of the ages, the father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then we can only see social issues through the prism of His love and charity. If we hold partisanship as our god, then we view social issues through the eyes of our political leaning. Let us all remember, where there is truth, Truth abides; where there is love, Love abides; and where there is charity, the embodiment of Charity lives and breathes and moves from our heart out across the land. Your political philosophy must not be the framework or principle by which you make your decisions. Your love of Christ and the following of His Way, must be the guiding light by which you view each issue proposed by various parties. Let us pray that God will open the window of our heart that we might become Christian Americans, not the big D or R or I citizens. God is above the petty self-interests of groups and looks for the well being of all of His children. That is the charity that lives in us when we have God at the center of our lives. Let us pray:
“Father God, you are the voice that called life into being and you are the glue that holds us together. I praise your holy name. May your kingdom of pure love and charity come make its home in my heart this very day. I pray that I may see the needs of others and the collective needs of our country through your eyes. May I learn to balance our county’s strength with the needs of the least of those among us. Father, I am not wise enough to make those decisions but you are. May I see all of life through your eyes, oh God and have the courage to follow where you lead. Forgive me, Father, where I have listened to politicians rather than to you and the voice you planted in my heart with the indwelling of your Holy Spirit. Glory and honor, praise and adoration all belong to you, my Father. I give tribute to your Holy name. I pray that these new awakenings may come to my heart through the power of and in the name of Jesus, your son, my savior. Amen”
“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”
16 years ago