I’m tired today but it’s a good tired. I spent last week at The School of Christian Missions and we walked and talked and listened and prayed and were inspired to continue to do the work of the Lord Jesus. However, we also live in finite bodies with limited energy, limited resources and limited ideas. In talking with one Christian sister, she said, “I feel like I’m not doing enough.”
Each one of us will have to answer that question. We are the only ones who know the private pain of our families and friends who also need our time. My response to her was, “You are doing this work for a season and then you will be given other work to do. The important thing is, we are not called to do it all ourselves.”
We need rest for our body and mind just as Jesus did. Rest for our soul comes when we are called home. While here, we are responsible for resting our body and mind so that we may be renewed and press on. Don’t deny yourself the rest you need. That is egotistical - I am doing the Lord’s work. I don’t need rest. That makes your work more important than the work Jesus did when his physical body walked the hills, healing the sick, fed the multitudes, and preached the salvation of God. He rested. Allow yourself to do the same. Let us pray:
“Holy father God, Lord of all who call upon you, we praise your holy name. We pray that your kingdom may come in your time and that your plan may be completed in this world. We know you have work for us to do while we stop here for a season. You may call us to establish a great cathedral, found a vast network of colleges and hospitals, or save the child who lives next door. We are amazed that the one small soul is equal to the largest mission facility, but it is. You don’t place a value on one work over another. Amazingly, to work for the Lord in the heart of a neighbor is the same as working for the Lord in a foreign land. May we occasionally get a glimpse of you in the eyes of those around us both near and far. Forgive us when we think that only big efforts are worth our efforts. May we realize that big usually means recognition. The only one we want recognized in the work we do - is you. May we pause when we need physical rest and inspiration to press on. We pray for this life of mission in the name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen”
Copyright 2010 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
16 years ago