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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, September 21, 2009


A few minutes ago, I forwarded a wonderful email of a Romanian newspaper columnist’s remembrance of the United States’ tragedy of 9/11 and I started remembering too. Someone told me one time that I dwell on the past because I remember things that were said or have happened. Yet, God has gifted me with remembering only the good, not the bad. He has allowed me to live all of my life, inside out, up and down, backward and forward. Some embarrassing moments of the past have no power over me, because I choose not to reinflict pain upon myself by rehearsing those sad or difficult times. Some people, recall over and over the most minor situations that have hurt them. They have become accustomed to the roll of victim and are afraid to lay it down or don’t know how. From that perspective, I encourage you to recall the good from your lives and lay day the difficult, hurtful memories. Make a list of all the happy times in the past, however long or short it may be. Then, think on those things when pain hijacks your thoughts. Better yet, give the pain to God. Mentally, wrap your pain in a beautiful package, tie it with a bright, colorful ribbon, and lay it at the altar of God. He will see your sadness as a wonderful gift and bless you by releasing you from that pain. Then dwell on that scene. Will you totally forget the hurt? Of course not. But, it will lose its power to bring you suffering and will replace the pain with the joy of having trusted the Lord our God. Let us pray:

“Our loving father, how magnificent is your name. The very utterance of the word, God, can calm our fears, drive out our anger, and heal our pain for those who believe it is so. Oh God and Father, on this very day, I am placing all my pain, anger, and fear in this lovely white box. It is both sturdy and holy, Father, and I know it is strong enough to contain all the bad things of my life. I now put a lid on the top and wrap it tightly with golden ribbon with splashes of flowers and joy. With your power, I can pick up my package, willingly offered, and carry it to the altar of your love and lay it down at your feet. I can feel your blessings falling all around me like diamonds from your treasure of gifts, and know I can turn my eyes toward you and away from the gift I have just given you. How very amazing that you could possibly see my junk as your jewels, but you do. For that mystery, I thank you and give you all praise, glory, and honor. In the precious name of your son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen”

“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Monday, September 14, 2009


On Friday, most of us remembered the tragedy of 9/11. While many of us didn’t know those who died that day, all of us are linked through citizenship in the freest land on earth. On Saturday, thousands marched on Washington or met in our local communities for the 9/12 Project, a day to let our voices be heard about over spending in government. Now, it is 9/14 - so what? What does all of this mean? It probably has a different meaning for each one of us. What it means to me is that I cannot rest in my omplacent place but must stand up and be counted and have my voice heard too. We can all agree to disagree while respecting each other’s right to speak. Isn’t that amazing?! We all want what we believe is best for us and for the country as a whole. Let us reach out in love and harmony with quiet voices, heavily laden with the cause as we see it, and find solutions to our nation’s needs. Will all needs be met? No. Will all questions find answers? No. That is the process of life in this earthly home. Let us make peace with the questions and complexities, knowing we will not solve all the ills of this life, so that we may find solutions and help to create programs that benefit the greatest number of people. When our neighbor is hungry, let us feed them. When our friend is ill, let us visit them. When those we know are in jail or the prison of their hopeless mind, let us minister to them. But, the key is, let us do and say what we can, when we can. Let us pray:

“Father of all, the rich and the poor, the saint and the sinner, we praise your holy name. May your kingdom come to earth, as has always been your plan, that we may live in love and harmony and in fellowship with others and with you. I pray today to have my eyes opened to the needs of those around me. You have told us that the poor will always be with us, but perhaps we can do something about the hungry who are among us. Show us where we can lift someone out of their poverty and need, and walk with them as they find health and hope. Let us see the reality of what is enough for ourselves so we can give with an extravagantly generous spirit. Forgive me when I have wanted more and more in some effort to make myself more worthy. You alone have made each of us worthy of your love and grace. It all belongs to you, oh Father. Let me never forget that it is only on loan to me. To you I give all praise and glory. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.”

“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Our Monday morning prayer was not sent out on Monday, because Monday felt like a second Sunday. So now we get to experience a Second Monday on Tuesday. I think God’s forgiveness is like that. He doesn’t give us a chance to redo the previous day. We get a second chance to do differently on the next day. We know that God has laws and many of us rebel against the very word - laws. If the law or rule were, “Thou shall not jump out of a twenty-story window,” we would obey that law because we would understand the consequences of going against the rule. God has given us many rules for our own good that in this present world, we do not understand. Our reaction to those mysteries is often, If I don’t agree, or I don’t see why, or I don’t understand, I don’t see any reason to obey. And that is the very crux of the matter. We are talented adults in the areas of scientific investigation and reason but small children in the realm of the spiritual. And, truth be told, we are infants in the world of science and reason as well. We just don’t have the Spiritual wisdom to know it. Following God’s laws, His rules, His word, His Son, are the keys to Life and Life abundantly lived. The novel I am currently writing is based on a scripture passage pertinent to today’s prayer. Notice, it does not say, “If you agree with my laws, please keep them.”

Proverbs 3: 1-2 My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands, for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.

“Our father God, holy, holy, holy is your name and the name of your son, Jesus. I pray that I can step out of my own way and live within your love as it is and will be in Heaven. I pray that you will bury your laws in my heart this very day, oh Father. I give my understanding over to you, for that is the first step of wisdom for me. I prayer to be able to step into your light and be bathed with your love, washing away childish rebellion and taking on the image of your glory. Forgive me when I have tried to fight you for authority over my life. That is one battle I would never want to win. To you I give all honor and praise and glory, Father. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”