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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Some people awakened on Easter and said, “So what?” Other greeted the day with, “So what now?!”

With the salvation story of Easter comes the mission message of the empty tomb. What he has done for us is not ours to selfishly hold but is for us to give away. We live in mission times. The last several decades have seen the rise of the me-generation. “I am entitled to whatever I want and whatever I can get.” As we look around at our neighbors’ economic/work situations, we must accept a new label, “The Christ-generation, the new mission-generation. With the fragrance of Easter lilies still clinging to our Sunday clothes, let us turn our attention to his children who are afraid, are sick, are in economic crisis, and are longing for someone who knows their friend Jesus, who will come and give them encouragement and love. He is Risen indeed, so what is now asked of us is that we take him from the tomb and out into a frightened and lonely world. Let us pray:

“Our father God, who sent your only son our Lord, Jesus Christ, to die and rise again for even me, holy is your name and precious is the blood of your son, our brother Jesus. May your kingdom fill the void where selfishness had taken root in the rich soil of too much, too soon, too self-focused. Let me hear my brother’s cry; let me see my sister struggle to feed her family; let me touch your children with your words and guidance while their parents try to meet their earthly needs. We will survive this difficult time if we will but put you first in our lives. Forgive us when we have whined about not having enough so that we may share what you have given us with extravagant generosity. Keep your children safe within your arms and held close to your beating heart, that we may feel the sweetness of your presence. In the name of your son Jesus Christ our Savior I pray. Amen”
Copyright 2010 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

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