Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Whom or what do you memorialize: preserve the memory of, or commemorate? This is the day for remembering. Many of us have memories that define our lives and either propel us forward or place a boot on our neck and will not let us go.
What is your earliest recollection? I remember, when I was about three or four, we lived in Dayton, Ohio. My sister, Donna, and I usually loved to play in the sand box in the back yard where a little blue and red tin mill allowed sand to be funneled down from the top and filter through to the pile below. But, in the summer, when the sun lingered in the western sky, we rolled and tumbled around in the front yard. Momma’s rule was, we had to come in when the street lights came on. And, we did. Our parents taught us independence and responsibility at a very young age. I still memorialize my independence training.
Some people’s earliest memories are of abuse at the hand of parents or embarrassment due to the betrayal of a trusted friend or loved one. Those remembrances stomp on ones life breath and refuse to let fresh air blow in and fill them with new energy and hope. It becomes impossible to lift up with joy the memories of the blessed ones that have entered our lives, either near to our heart or as our national treasures. When a memory has become an obstacle, it blocks our faith in God that he can bring joy to our future.
I am not saying that one should deny the pain caused by another. I am suggesting that you forgive them, turning them over to God to love. When the negative memories are released to God, you can remove the obstacles that pin you down and find the peace promised to all who keep their minds and thoughts fixed on God. The offender cannot free you from the memory. And, perhaps, they would not if they could. Remember what happened so as not to be trampled on again, but forget the pain and forgive the offender and set yourself free. Once safely resting in God’s peace, you are free to memorialize the positive, the heroes and the fallen with an open heart.
This is Memorial Day. Whom or what do you memorialize? Let us pray:
"Loving Father, God of all, I bow before you, for your name is wonderful. Forgive me when I use your powerful name to the detriment of others. Holy are you and your son Jesus, the Christ. I ask to be released from the negative memories in my life. I turn them over to you, for only you can dissolve the pain they have caused. This very day, I choose to forgive those who have offended me. Not because their offence is meaningless but because my love for you is more meaningful than the pain. I don’t have to know how you work this miracle. I simply accept it and thank you for your blessings. In the name of Jesus, your son and m redeemer, I pray. Amen"
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp
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If you are in the Houston, Texas area on Wednesday, June 5 at 7 pm, I will be signing, Escape from the Belfry - a young adult novel full of adventure at Barnes and Noble on Westheimer. Check for book signings in your area.
16 years ago