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Monday, December 22, 2014

Let's Celebrate Love at Christmas

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” Luke 2: 6-7 (NIV)

I made Aunt Catherine’s cranberry salad for our early Christmas dinner yesterday. The fascinating thing is—others, who aren’t even family, follow my salad recipe. No, no, that’s not the best part—they call it, “Aunt Catherine’s” cranberry salad!

What traditions have you established during this season of Love? I know one family whose father always rants and raves and gets drunk on Christmas day. The beautiful day of our Savior’s birth is not a celebration of Love for that family and it may never be. There are no blessed memories in their quiver of arrows that can fight off fear and depression when the hour of doubt comes.

But, healthy, loving families pass on scenes of Christmas that come to mind each time the birth of Jesus draws near:
• Christmas Eve services with flickering candle lite and the lighting of the Christ candle. The whole family seated together singing carols of praise and amazement over the arrival of Love.
• Stockings stuffed with cookies, wrapped in festive wrap, baked by loving parents just for the holidays
• Pajama’s stuffed in fancy bags and opened the night before the arrival of the Christ Child so Christmas morning would be new and fresh.
• An angel on the top of the tree who flutters over the room the same this year as last and the year before that, proclaiming, ”Be not afraid. For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.”

What are the Christmas traditions you are placing in the heart of your family? Fear and trembling— because Mom and Dad are so stressed out over lack of money, lack of time, and lack of energy! Or, warm memories of time together: games around the kitchen table; songs at the piano; and the story of a baby-king who was born in a stable and for whom room is made in the hearts of each one of us? Make memories of love and joy over the birth of the Christ Child this week, so when your children think of the Christmas of 2014, they will remember scenes full and overflowing with Love. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, you have always been and will remain for evermore. For your persistent Love, I give you all praise and glory. May this be the Christmas when my eyes are opened to your true treasure, your son, Jesus. When the Christ Child came into the world, He brought Love, Song, Forgiveness, Salvation, Eternal Life, and new Creation. Forgive me when I have believed that was not enough, when I asked, ‘But, what will you do for me today, God?’ . . . when I sought more, glitzier, bigger and best. Those desires have nothing to do with the baby in the manger. Let me sow Christmas seeds of Love this year, with the Christ Child at the center of my celebration. Hosanna in the highest! He was born and He continues to live in the hearts of those who claim His love. In the name of that same Jesus, the center of the spotlight from heaven, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2014 Doris Gaines Rapp
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Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
Christmas Feather, one of eight short stories in a wonderful collection titled, Christmases Past
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015)
Length of Days – The Age of Silence
Escape from the Belfry
Smoke from Distant Fires
Hiawassee – Child of the Meadow
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (January 2015)
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)

Lincoln’s Christmas Mouse

Waiting for Jesus in a Can’t Wait World – Advent 2014
Prayer Therapy of Jesus
Promote Yourself

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