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Saturday, October 31, 2015

18 Jars of Marmalade

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13: 34-35 (ESV)
It’s the very last day of October. The gold and crimson leaves are falling in the autumn wind creating a warm, multi-colored blanket on the lawn. October has also been pastor-appreciation month. How does one show appreciation to their pastor — or their spouse, friends and other family members? - By using the 3-L’s in their interactions: Listen, Laugh and Love.

“I’d like orange marmalade with that,” my husband Bill said to the waitress one Saturday morning as she put a plate of toast in front of him.

“We don’t have any,” she apologized.

Bill meets twice a month for an early Saturday morning breakfast with a few men from our church. As he went to the counter to pay that jam-less morning, he noticed some marmalade on a shelf. “There’s some right there,” he pointed out. The men laughed at his insistent reaction and remembered his disappointed but fun attitude.

As the people planned ways to show their appreciation during October the congregation showed their thanks by using those 3-L’s. They had heard and remembered Bill’s lament over the lack of orange marmalade on a previous Saturday morning. They all enjoyed the fun of the allusive sweet orange rind and they showed their love on the first Sunday of October. Families in our small country church brought in jars of orange marmalade, eighteen in total, and blessed him with a … citric jelly jar shower!

Use the 3-L’s to develop other solid relationships. (1) Listen – Many people believe that no one hears them. Be the very best listener you can be. (2) Laugh until all the lines in your face go up. There are very few things in this life that merit an argument. Laugh with, not at others. Buddy, don’t bully. Then, (3) love freely, asking for nothing in return. Love one another as Jesus loved His disciples. Those who don’t know Him will see His light reflected in our love. Love enough to fill eighteen jars to the brim … and running over until it sweetens all those around us. Let us pray:

“Our father God, you sent love to earth in the embodiment of your son, Jesus. He asked us to love one another and to share that love with others beyond our group. As the wind chills, we will be coming into the blessed season of Jesus’ birth, when we share love freely. Let today be the day that I decide to listen, laugh and love with others every day, not just during selected months of the year, whether that be October or December. I admit I want my own needs met. Forgive me when I’m too busy to see the needs of those around me. May I spread enough love to fill eighteen jars to over-flowing. In the name of your son, my savior and redeemer, Jesus I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

A big thank you to the 631 readers who signed up to try to win one of ten copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel, at Goodreads.
Another big thanks to those who came to Mt Etna’s Bazaar last Saturday. It was great meeting so many readers!

I will sign all six novels at the following upcoming book-signings.
11/07/15             Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – Time: 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15             Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – Time: 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN. I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction”

All books are also available on

Monday, October 19, 2015


“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NIV)

How many of you have read social media that begins like this? “I’ve had a ______ day today.” Or, maybe you’ve posted it. Fill in the blank with words you’ve read or used. My friends, if we desire to please the Lord, AT ALL, these words are not acceptable.

“Doris, you’re just old fashioned,” some might say. Perhaps. Others would say that the Bible is also old fashioned and doesn’t apply to today. Really? Then, would you deny the written words of the Bible? Would you deny God? Is that too simple? Perhaps there are things that really are that simple.

It is interesting that the “old fashioned” Bible says that we are to let our words be pleasing in the SIGHT of God. Is it possible that the Lord reads our social media posts? I know that those who seek God through our example read our words. Do we honor God by what we say? Glorify God in all that we do and he will help us bridle our words, both spoken and written. Let us pray:

“Father God, I honor your precious name. May your kingdom come to dwell within me this day, so that I may live with you. Today, I ask you to fill me with words that please you. Sometimes it is hard, for those offensive terms are part of the world in which I live and I walk among them every day. Insulate me from them so that they may not bury themselves in my heart like a virus that could seek to do me and others around me harm. Forgive me when I use words in anger or to impress others. I want only to please you. In the name of your son, Jesus, my savior and redeemer I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Sign up at Goodreads to win one of two copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel.

Or, come to one of my book-signings this fall and I’ll sign one for you at the special Author Fair price. My other novels will also be available.
10/24/15             Mt Etna UMW Holiday Bazaar – 9am-2pm. On Rt 9 South of Huntington, IN
11/07/15             Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15             Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN. I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction”

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Songs of My Heart

“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” Proverbs 27:19 (NLT)

“… Ruler of my heart today, Jesus Lord to me.”¹ Every morning this week, as I opened my eyes to greet the blessings of the new day, I was aware that my heart had been singing a chorus we sang last Sunday in church—“Jesus, Lord to Me.” Even more miraculous, it sounds like the melodic lines I used to sing when my voice was young and strong. Over the last ten years, I have had chronic bronchitis with accompanying laryngitis that has lasted two to four months. As a result, I lost the top octave off my vocal range. Recently, following my back surgery, my breath control has also faded. But, when my heart sings, I sound like “the me” God created. Rather than being angry or sad, I feel blessed, knowing that one day my invitation will come to sing with the angels in their choir. Why?—because, I will know the words.

With what musical lyrics, lines from books, Facebook postings and movies quotes are you filling your heart? Do the words of your heart reflect you as a real person? The Psalmist said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”(19:14 ESV)

Fill your heart and soul with the words you will hear in heaven, so when you get there, you will recognize the language spoken. If not, you’d better tell a good friend to wait for you just inside the gates to act as your translator. Saint Peter may stand at Heaven’s Gate and ask if you want in through the Pearly Gates or cross the River Stix to get into Hades. Which word will you be more familiar with, Heaven or Hell—and the vocabulary of the natives there? Fill your heart with songs of His love and grace, so that you too can sing in the angel choir. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, your son, Jesus, is Savior, Lord to me. May your kingdom come to dwell in my heart so it is so full of you, no other words can crowd you out. Filled with you, I pray that your will may be done in my Life, just as your will whispers and sings throughout Heaven. For today, I give over all words, thoughts and actions that are not acceptable to you. I know I cannot do this on my own, oh Lord. But, with your spirit buried in my heart and soul, you will always be there to guide and caution me. I choose only to glorify you. Forgive me when I boast, for I do not wear glory well. Only you deserve the Light. I thank you Lord for letting me walk in the safety of the shadow you cast as I walk near you. May it always be so. In the name of your son, Jesus—ruler of my heart today, Jesus, Lord to me—I pray.  Amen”
Doris Gaines Rapp
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp
¹ Jesus, Lord to Me, by Gary Mcspadden and Greg Nelson

Sign up at Goodreads to win one of two copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel.

Or, come to one of my book-signings this fall and I’ll sign one for you at the special Author Fair price. My other novels will also be available.
10/24/15  Mt Etna UMW Holiday Bazaar – 9am-2pm. On Rt 9 South of Huntington, IN
11/07/15  Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15  Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN.
I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction.”