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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, February 7, 2011


Wow! I don’t know what kind of weather you just went through last week, but I know there is still a level of ice beneath the snow here in Huntington. But, the miracle of God’s world is, our trees in the back yard are full of robins! They are fat and healthy and lively and gloriously free. Behind every storm of life, God has promised a rainbow.

Our granddaughter, Hannah, has a knack for seeing rainbows in the sky almost every time she is in the car with us. Please, surround yourself with family and friends who point out the colorful arch in the sky and not the dark clouds that have just passed. Stay safe, but don’t stay in the focused on the storm.

I pray for you, this day, that you can see the rainbow and not the storm, the blue sky and not the ice, the robins and not the snow. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there. You simply are not giving them the energy to frighten you or weigh you down, by focusing your eyes on the blessings all around you, the miracles of each day. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, truth divine, bless this icy world of mine. May I see all the beauty you have for me this day so that your Heaven may touch the earth and bring your warmth. For this very day, regardless of the negatives of this world, may I see only your joy, your peace, and your love. I can really feel sorry for myself sometimes and think there is only ice and wind in my little three-quarter acre yard. How very self-centered we can be. Forgive me for dwelling on myself and let me see ways to brighten the lives of those around me. May I bring rainbow sightings to everyone I touch, that your promises may color their world. May the robins in my trees, fill the yards of all those around me. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I pray. Amen”

“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2011 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

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