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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, July 16, 2012


"At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality, as it is written: ‘He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little." 2 Corinthian’s 8: 14-15 (NIV © 1984)For those of you who have been able to follow the progress of our little church on Facebook or Pinterest, you are aware that a wind blew the roof off the church and it was replaced in one and a half weeks. We held services yesterday in the basement while the ceiling of the sanctuary continues to dry and as we wait for the carpet to be replaced. There wasn’t one member who would have been able to accomplish such progress by themselves. We belong to a family of believers, and together, we had enough.

The same is true if we are suffering from a physical illness or limitation. Later this morning, I will consult with a specialist about my sore foot. I certainly would not be able to diagnose the problem by myself and I could not "fix" it if I did. But, I am not alone. There are friends and family who are praying for my physician as well as the restoration of health to my foot. I am not alone. I have enough.

I know that many of you are ill, in emotional strife, or in physical pain. You may be feeling all alone and frightened. Trust me. You are not alone. You have those who pray for you and our prayer today will be for you as well. We never go through adversity alone. The Lord God is with us and His Holy Spirit surrounds us and fills us with His presence. Regardless of this world’s pain, we have enough to walk the path that leads us home. Let us pray:

"Holy Father, God of Love, we bow to you as we stand in your presence. Your precious name is sweet enough to heal our troubled soul and our aching and ailing body. In your Holy Kingdom, there is no illness or pain and our soul is free to rise above the world and its sorrow. With you by our side in this mortal life, you can set us free to be with you, even as we linger and finish the work you have given us. We stand amazed by the meandering path you lead us on. When we think we can rest for a while, you urge us on and remind us, ‘I will not leave you alone.’ We walk this path filled with others, all seeking your light, all walking home, and we know, we are not alone. We have enough—and for this we give you thanks. Heal us and use us in whatever state of wholeness that is your will. In the dear name of Jesus, your son and our redeemer, we pray. Amen"

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp

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