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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, June 10, 2013


The Lord God blesses us with so much that it overflows our open hands and fills our shoes. Yet we ... I ... take the attitude, "But what have you done for me today, Lord?" Max Lucado has written in answer to that question, "Isn't it enough that he has given us eternal life?"

As I write this post, we are half way home from Houston, Texas where we celebrated and attended our grandson's H.S. graduation; we had many days with a daughter and son-in-law we haven't seen in a year; we saw our granddaughter and her fiancé whom we haven't seen in twelve months; we visited with our other granddaughter and met her new boyfriend who got my vote because he treats her like a princess; got to spend quality time with another daughter and son-in-law who live about four streets over from our house at home but we are both too busy to spend as much time together as we did at Luke's graduation; had a book signing of Escape from the Belfry at Barnes and Noble in Houston; worshiped with our family in a wonderful Bible-preaching church; spent ten days with my fantastic husband Bill; got good news about our son's situation; missed an Indiana grandson's graduation while gone and the fellowship of family at his party, but Tanner is a young man with a good heart and said, "That's okay, Grandma." And, the Lord has given us traveling mercies and the last hotel room available when we stopped a half hour ago. We are blessed.

Did we win the lottery? No - we don't play. Did I sell five-thousand books at the books signing? No - but neither do best-selling authors. Did I lose five pounds while in Texas? No - I probably brought back five pounds of Texas with me. But these are not God-sightings. The blessings of the Lord God come in family packages all tied up with love - loose enough to let every member fly like the eagles they are and tight enough so all feel safe; and, a friendly bookstore Community Resource Manager like Nathaniel, who booked my signing and opened the door for other stores to follow.

If we are always looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, we will miss the amazing colors of God's painted promise across the sky. The bow is the miracle, not the pot. Let us pray:

"Heavenly Father God, my own Abba - Daddy, I come before you just six days before Father's Day, praising you and loving your loving. Holy is your name and the name of your son, Jesus. For this day, I choose to lift up praises and thanksgiving for all you have given me, every miracle that sparkles around me like a path of diamonds. Forgive me when I ignore the jewels and seek comfortable paving bricks. I pray that I may be a blessing to someone around me, another traveler on the road home. Give me the courage, energy and discernment to see those who need a word of hope and a message of your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, I pray. Amen"
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

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