The fourth of July is this Saturday. What a great celebration of the freedoms we all enjoy! However, we are at a point in history when we see our freedoms eroding with the intent of leveling the playing field for everyone. However, when we lower the field, we end up with an equal distribution of fewer freedoms, fewer opportunities, and less income, not a chance for all to rise to higher levels of living and greater chances to share more with others, since we will all have less. This is not progress! We, in the United States, still have the choice of making our voices heard this July 4th by attending a Tea Party in your area, speaking out and speaking up on behalf of our Constitution, and singing the praises of the greatest nation which was inspired by God and blessed with his protection. Do not allow others to take our Christian heritage and influence away from our country. We see what is happening in Iraq, suppression of those who would stand for freedom. If we will not stand up here in America, how can we expect those in the Mid-East to stand up in a country whose freedoms are being taken away as rapidly as they were won. Do not be afraid! Stand up, speak up, and let the world know we are still a Christian nation, home of the free, and blessed by God. Let us pray:
“Oh loving Father, God, we praise your name and acknowledge your rule over our lives. May our country never forget that you forged the concepts of freedom and justice on a high mountain at the feet of your servant Moses. Let us not forget that your son, Jesus, brought equality and love to a world consumed by hate and revenge. During this week, leading up to the Celebration of the birth of our Country, we pray that you will reveal your presence and love to everyone, both here and around the world. Remind us of the blessings of our freedom and the urgency for not letting go of even a tiny sliver of your precious gifts. Give us the courage and fire, to not only stand up for the principles of democracy within the founding documents of our country but also for freedoms fought for and won by other people and nations across your world. Forgive us when we have been silent and indifferent as we sat on our couch and watched freedom being sold to the highest bidder, to meet the goals of more, at a lower level of living. Let us find ways to raise others up and set them on higher ground, where they too can experience more of what our country has to offer, not less. To you oh God we will give all praise, honor, and glory. In the name of Jesus, our savior, we pray. Amen”
“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”
16 years ago