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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday was Father’s Day and I want to remind everyone that every day belongs to our father in Heaven when we are his own children. Some people don’t have fathers they can remember with love and celebration. For those children, young or adult, we as the Family of God can encircle then into our own brood, leaving no one fatherless. No child, of any age, need be without a loving family who is in contact with God’s children. Does it take time, energy, and resources to parent children, our own or those next to the heart of God? Of course it does. But, participation in the family of God is Kingdom building right here on earth. Do I want to be stretched so thinly? No. Do I want to serve God? YES! He will give me the strength, courage, and resources to meet the loving needs of His children. Will I be able to meet everyone’s material needs? No. But, Kingdom building is not about material possessions and that’s not what you have to offer. You are offering the love of God the Father and through that uplifting love, God’s children can find a new hope for their future, and new possibilities will flourish around them. Praise be to God! Let us pray:

“Oh loving father, God of all, father of our Lord Jesus, father of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and yes, father of even me - holy, holy, holy is your name. To whisper, Come Daddy, Abba, in my heart is to invited you to dwell within me and create a right relationship between you and me. On this very day, Father, let me be part of the telling of your story, the imparting of your message of love, hope, and salvation. Forgive me when I have claimed that I am unworthy, unprepared, and without adequate strength to represent your love here on earth. I am none of these, but you are all and so much more. I am a flawed vessel, carrying the cooling water of your love to those around me. You are the life saving water and will keep filling up this leaky pot with so much love it will spill out all around me as I am on my way, serving you. You will therefore bless even those who remain unaware of my passing but they will quietly blossom in your love. May all glory and honor and praise go to you Father, for you are the water; you are the love. In the name of Jesus, the Christ and my Savior I pray. Amen”
“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to his love. Let me tell you mine.”

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