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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, May 7, 2012


"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Genesis 2:2 NIV

"Sissy, do you want this toy or that?" Mandi asked her twenty-month-old baby.

Shyloe was tired. We had gone to southern Ohio to attend a wedding and Shyloe had played outside all day. If she wanted the first object her Mommy offered, she shook head "no" and a negative response produced a "yes" gesture.

"Sissy, I think you have your yes(s) and no(s) mixed up," her Mommy said.

"Obviously," the not-yet-two-year-old responded—and then smiled.

Mommy, grandma and grandpa heard her clearly and laughed. If a baby knows when they are too tired or overwhelmed to make a decision and not feel guilty about acknowledging it, why can’t we as adults do the same?

This world will take you down if you are not open to God’s leading and reminders to rest. God rested after each new creation. The Bible doesn’t say, "God knew he wasn’t done with creation and he felt like he should press on, but he was so tired he had gotten his yes(s) and no(s) mixed up. He thought he might create man with long horse-like legs and hooves so he could run as fast as the deer he hunted. No, we may laugh at some of His creations but we can be sure, he made no mistakes. God observed all of his work and said it was good. He rested on the seventh day!

Rest is not only a blessing, it is a responsibility. In order to hear God’s spirit, as he directs our paths, we have to be rested enough to discern God’s voice from the call of the things of the world. Let us pray:

"God of creation and Lord of my heart and soul, I praise your holy name. I thank you for demonstrating that rest is a vital part of our existence. Without clear thoughts and clear vision, your people will parish. This is a time for serious decisions, from serious people, about serious topics. We must all be ready to face the real threats to our way of life. You gave us a blessed country when your faithful servants fought for our right to be a free people. And, they did it without computers, cars, phone, television or any other modern communication devices. On this day, I take my stand in favor of what was sacrificed by others to give me the beautiful city on the hill. I vow to remain informed, involved, rested, and in-tune to you, so that I may be part of the solution and a new blessing to others. In the name of Jesus, your son, I pray. Amen"


"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine." Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp

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