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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday - June 9, 2008

Today, let us pray for our families. It’s our oldest daughter’s birthday and family is all about our children. Let’s also remember those family members who have passed over to Glory, for once they have touched our lives, they are always part of us, whether that be for moments or years.
Let us pray:
“Our Father God, we are “family” with you. Your son, our Savior Jesus, the Christ, claimed us for His own and shed His blood that we might be able to draw near to Home without fear. Through Jesus, we can call you Abba, Daddy. We pray, oh Father, for all of our children, that they may know you and receive your son as their redeemer. We pray for our children who have gone astray from us and you. We pray for those who were family, then wanted release from family. But, you know that is not possible. Family is always family. We pray that they may one day know you as Lord, and be reunited into the family of God in Heaven. Forgive us when we have made it hard for them to see you through us, because of our actions or sins. Give us your strength and insight, that our hearts may be turned toward Heaven, so your light may shine through. We lift up all the shining souls in our lives and give you all glory for their radiance. You spoke worlds and stars into being by the Word, which then became flesh and dwelled with us on Earth. Certainly, you can whisper love into the ear of our children. That same utterance, can change lives. In the name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen”

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