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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, January 4, 2010


I don’t make new years resolutions. But, this year, I have felt the need to commit to a new resolve.

I so resolve to
love more,
share more,
save more,
and be more, more like Christ.
I further resolve to not allow others’ anger to penetrate my soul,
to love others in spite of themselves,
to love and accept myself as God does,
and to take up no cause that is not from God.
I resolve to value my time as a gift from God,
to value my gifts as jewels to be polished,
to value my health as a means to doing God’s work,
to value all my family as the only gifts I will take with me into Heaven,
and to value my walk with Jesus as the only trip worth taking.

Let us pray:

“Father God, you love me completely and too much to let me believe I am complete. Holy is your precious name. May your Holy Spirit come and make a home in my heart so that I may experience Heaven here on earth. May I be reminded each day of my Resolve and give me each evening another pearl to add to the string. Forgive me when I have weakened in my resolve to be your child, reflecting you to others I meet along your way. Let your Spirit fill me to overflowing that I may flood others’ hearts with your love. I give you all the praise and glory for anything I have been and what you may choose for me to be. In the name of Jesus, the Christ, your son and my savior I pray. Amen.”
Copyright 2010 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

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