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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, July 11, 2011


“I am so excited, I could erupt!” I sent my novel, length of days - the age of silence to the printer today. No, this is not an advertisement. I did battle with myself about even mentioning it so as not to be misunderstood. How many times do we withhold our joy for fear someone may misinterpret our intention? The joy of the Lord is to be shared at every opportunity. The responsibility for how it is received is up to the listener, as long as we have shared with love and humility.

I did not write this book. The Lord placed the words at the ends of my fingertips. It is my greatest thrill to serve the Lord God in this way! You, every single one of you, serve the Lord each day, by being open to his leading. We usually do not know how we impact the lives of others by the little things we do and say. However, it may not little to the receiver! Sometimes, those words or deeds are a turning point for them. Luckily, most of the time, we don’t even know it happened

I remember when our son Jim fell from a neighbor’s hayloft and broke both of his arms. I waited hours in the ER for the orthopedic professional to finally leave his dinner party and come to the hospital. Jim was sedated. A lady sat down beside me and said, “Isn’t it nice that God gives us a new day tomorrow?” That was many years ago and I still remember the peace and calm her simple words left with me. Friends, share your joy! And, listeners, share IN their joy! Let us pray:

“Loving Father of us all, you give us stories to tell, words to speak, and deeds to do in your precious name. May we find joy in all our doing! Your name is Holy and precious. We pray that you will give us the wisdom and peace to share your name in love. Father, fill us with so much of yourself that we share joy with everyone we meet. Let us not ever be afraid to speak of your love for fear someone would not want to hear it. But, give us your touch, that we may be examples of your love, without doing harm to others, walking beside them as they learn to walk with you. We pray that the listener may not see or hear us, but only you, so that all glory and honor will be rightly yours. In the name of Jesus, your son and our savior we pray. Amen”
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2011 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

For information about Length of Days - The Age of Silence go to:

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