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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, October 15, 2012


"Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were cleansed." Luke 17:11-14 (NIV © 1984)

Is it the destination or the trip that defines our life? I believe it is both. In Luke 17, the Bible tells us that Jesus had a destination, Jerusalem. However, the miracles happened along the way. He had the opportunity to heal ten men of leprosy. But, if he had said, like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, "I’m late! I’m late, for a very important date. No time to say ‘Hello - Goodbye,’ I’m late," Jesus would never have seen the men and the ten would never have been healed. Do we act more like Jesus, or the White Rabbit?

If our eye is on the end-goal: money or position, recognition or power, we will miss every blessing that God has placed for us, like dewdrops of gems, along our way. If we are blind to what we pass, we will have missed out on life and we may have created havoc along our way. The Way is as important as the city we walk toward. If we walk in distance and indifference, we will never reach the portal to the Lord. Which is more important, to stay in the Ritz at eventide, or to gather our loved ones around us and camp-out in the back yard around the warmth of the fire? Keep your eye on the destination, and your heart on the path. Let us pray:

"Holy Father, Love Divine, illuminate this path of mine. Your kingdom is our home and we ever press onward toward your outstretched arms. May we never forget to speak words of healing as we walk along and gather in our loved ones to make the journey with us. It is our prayer that we never contribute to the darkness. May this be the day that you fill us with your light so that the way will be lit wherever we walk. Forgive us for hurrying past and not stopping to meet the needs of the ones around us, for we know how badly we too need your touch. Lead us along the path so clearly that we do not have to watch our feet but gaze with love at all we see, stop to heal, and find our way back to you. In the name of Jesus, whose footsteps we follow, we pray. Amen"

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp
For Holding on to Sand - From the Interactive Journal of James Rapp, go to . It is also available on Kindle at and NOOK and other eReaders at


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