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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, April 29, 2013


"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2 (© 2011 N.V.)

One of the reasons we become frustrated is because we’re not patient. I guess I should have written that in the first person, because I get frustrated any time my plans get derailed. Then, I become more frustrated because I’m frustrated. I want to experience God’s patient.

I called an agency to ask several questions that were pieces to another puzzle, or activity, I had planned. No one was available but someone will return to call in next two to three hours. Now what?

For me, I get stuck, unable to adequately address another issue until I have the previous set of answers. And, around I go.

Friends, I am learning to give it all up to God, not just the big things of life, the major life changing decisions, but, all of the little pieces of sharp colored glass that make up the entire mosaic.

We are not creating a tiny stained glass window to fit inside our small four by five frame. We are part of the greater masterpiece of God that stretches all around the world. We may never see the completed artistry in colored fragments. We are only responsible for the window into the heart of God that is in front of us. Be patient. It is the Lord God’s spectacular mosaic, not ours. It will be wonderfully visible from heaven and spread across the entire firmament. Let us pray:

"Heavenly Father, great creator of everything, we bow before your holiness. May your kingdom of love and patience come swiftly. May I dwell in your kingdom here on earth, just as I will live with you in heaven. I give you all my frustrations, fear, and impatience. You are the one great Lord who can still my anxieties, fears, and self-centered longing to have things my way and in my time. You are the keeper and lover of my soul and it is you who directs my paths. May it always be so and may I always recognize your hand as you try to guide me. Forgive me when I have been headstrong and accept my will as your own. In the name of Jesus Christ, your son and my redeemer I pray. Amen"

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."  Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

It’s LIVE! Escape from the Belfry - a young adult book full of adventure is now available to ordered at , , , and through your local bookstore - just ask them to order it from Archway Publishing. The Archway Bookstore is very new but not as new as my book, Escape from the Belfry. You can order it from Archway Publishing at (888) 242-5904. It will take a few more days for it to be on their website bookstore. ENJOY!

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