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Saturday, June 15, 2013

3 G Dads

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." John 14:6-7 (NIV©2011)

Dads are one of the two most important people in our lives and they come in as many types as there are fathers. Today, I posted on the kids and teens prayer therapy blog,, that dads come in Triple G: Great, Gone, and sometimes Groaners. Like Adam, in Escape from the Belfry, many cannot be near enough to their father to truly know him, but he is still Dad.

The dad who matters for eternity, is the Father Jesus spoke of in John 14. Many religions speak of God and their belief in him and reverence for him. Christians speak of him as Father, even ABBA=Daddy. Father-God not only created the all-and-all, he created a spot within us and fills our lives with his spirit as we walk with him. He is a loving, forgiving, grace-filled daddy who wishes to give us everything and an eternal life too. Is everything enough? We have a dad who is the all-mighty Lord. Wow! Let us pray:

"Father God, Daddy-Abba, I bow before you as your claimed-child. May I walk beside you every step of my earthly journey. The way, the path you have blessed me with, is more amazing than anything I could have created for myself. You spread miracles along my path like rose pedals from an abundant garden. Forgive me when I have chosen the stones I have valued and left the flowers and diamonds in the dust. May I also be a guide so someone else may find their way. In the name of Jesus, your son and our personal savior who opened the door to our father, I pray. Amen"


"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

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