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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, August 12, 2013


"The lazy person craves, yet receives nothing, but the desires of the diligent are satisfied." Proverbs 13: 4 (International Standard Version)

Is it luck or is it a blessing? Many people look all of their lives for their "four leaf clover" - some piece of luck that will bring them riches and perhaps fame. Proverbs 13: 4 describes "the lazy person" who craves (wishes) for things, then receives nothing at all. When we work within the will of God and are diligent, we are satisfied.

While walking through the grass last Thursday, I looked down and saw/felt an anomaly, a departure from the norm in the patch of clover at my feet. I bent down and picked up this beautiful clover with four leaves. Was it luck? No, it was there all along. It was God’s blessing that allowed me to see it.

If we are unable to proceed to success, or begin an adventure, until we are lucky enough for that great windfall to come our way, we will receive nothing. And, even if we do find that clover, we may be completely stuck, forever poised with our noses to the ground in front of us, as we wait for the next strike of luck to come. But, we will never be satisfied. With every fulfilled "wish," our appetite for more luck only grows larger.

My four leaf clover was not luck; it was a blessing. If you see every gift from God that he bestows on us, we are blessed every day of our lives. If we wait to find the next clover with the beautiful leaves before we continue, we will be forever stuck on Thursday, August 8, 2013.

We may have "discovered" the next great mousetrap, but we will go no farther if we believe it was luck. Luck waits for luck to return. Faith in God receives each blessing as it comes our way. Let us pray:

"Our loving father, you shower us with your blessings every day. Holy are you and worthy of our praise. I ask that your Holy Spirit make a home in my soul that I may see each gift you give. Today, oh father, help me to put away lazy cravings and diligently seek the desires of your heart that they may become the desires of my heart. Then I will be satisfied. May I be a blessing to others as I walk through life, that I may rescue them from the evil jaws of ‘if only.’ All these things I ask in the name of Jesus, who sought only your face so that we might see your face in him, I pray. Amen"

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp
Events: Saturday Sept 14, 2013 1pm - Book Signing at Barnes & Noble, Ann Arbor, MI

Friday Sept. 20, 2013 7:00 pm - Book Signing at Barnes & Noble, Valporaiso, Indiana.

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