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Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19, 2008 - The Persecuted Church

Dear Ones,
We often "remember" the persecuted church of Jesus Christ when we are reminded to remember. For me, that happened again last week. Let's pray for the persecuted church in our On-Line Prayer Group. Later, you can go back to this blog " pray the prayers that have been lifted up over the weeks, including this one and/or request other prayers.
"Our loving father of your son Jesus the Christ and father of the Church of all believers in you through Him, we bow before your holy name. May your plan for the Church be fulfilled in your time. Today, we are praying for your precious Church around the world that is being persecuted for your name's sake. Give your Church fresh faith and strength to acknowledge you as they continue to preach the name of Jesus. We are sometimes so self-important, Father, we forget that those of us who believe in you and your son, Jesus, here in America are also a Persecuted Church. Our persecution is more subtle and sometimes unseen. Because of the covert activity of those who would weaken the Church, we often dismiss their effort. We must be even more diligent and watchful for these veiled attacks on your message. They are harder for us to recognize. Give us eyes that see, ears that are open to You , and hearts that discern between your word and the message of the world. May all glory and honor be yours, oh Father. In the name of, and through the power of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen"

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