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Monday, November 3, 2008

Let The Lower Lights Be Burning

In previous prayers of the On-Line Prayer Group, we talked about being One of the Ten, so the Lord would spare our nation. Then, we talked about being a Watchman on the Wall, ever vigilant to evil that could corrupt our souls and threats that can take down or alter our nation of freedom. Today, let’s talk about being a Lower Light.

In a wonderful old hymn (1871 - in public domain), the words describe our roll as “lower lights” - not “lowly lights.” There is nothing “lowly” about our calling. It is a gift from God and therefore a privilege, supported by the Father of all. (Brackets and underline below are mine)
“Brightly beams our Father’s mercy, from His lighthouse evermore.
But to us, He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights [our light] be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman,
You may rescue; you may save.” Philip P, Bliss, 1871
We are called to be one of the ten (or tens of thousands), who will watch and wait with Christ, on the wall to our heart and our country, and there, be a beacon for others to see our light and guide them safely home to God. God is the source of “mercy,” but it is up to us to shed light on the truth of God’s love and grace, so that others may see the light and find their way home.

Why haven’t I designed a prayer about the election? My Dear Ones, I just did. Whoever are elected president and our other public servants, we are still called to make our lives a living sacrifice, by the grace of God, as one of the Ten, to be civil and loving in our thoughts and communications; to Watch on the Wall, that we may be ever vigilant to preserve the freedoms God gave this country, to lift up and support the programs and ideas of our elected officials, whatever their party, where truth and Constitutional law abide; and to be a Light of hope, lifting up the truths of our Constitution by being aware, through study and alertness, and then using our voices to keep our nation free, writing letters of support or dissent to congress, and fighting for our Constitution. Let us pray:

“Oh loving Father of all, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and free-spirits, we come before you the day before our election day. The very word, “election,” thrills the hearts of all your people, for you gave us a shining star of hope for the entire world. May your will be done tomorrow, that those we elect may have hearts for you. We cannot read their minds, but you, Father, know what stirs within them. We ask that you sort out the shaft from the wheat and whisper truth into the ears of your people on election day that those we elect may be blessed by you. Give us the insight to be one of the ten, giving us civil and loving tongues, that others will see you in us, not partisans. Give us the strength and focus to stand guard and stay awake while we watch on the wall. Trim our lamps, putting them in order for proper burning, that we may have strong lights that will bring your children safely ashore to you. As your children, that is our calling, not to convince others of our point of view, but to lift up your words of love and hope and grace, that we may love them into wholeness with you. We do this while on guard and speaking up to lawmakers about what we’ve studied, heard, and seen while standing watch. Forgive us when we have become lazy and slept while guarding the gates. Open our hearts, our eyes, our ears, and our mouths, that this wonderful gift of freedom, you have given us, may prevail against those who would strive to eradicate hope and freedom. To you we give all praise, honor and glory, for nothing we do has merit, save what we do for, and through you. In the name of your son, Jesus, and by the power of his name, we pray. Amen.”

Copyright 2008 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

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