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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, January 12, 2009


We live in highly charged times and to survive the struggling economy and wars, we must trust: trust in the American people, trust in Democracy, and trust in the Lord. While we trust, we must also verify. Economists will tell us how and when, or when not, to invest; political talking-heads will report on the state of the government; and religious leaders will interpret God’s word to and for us. Our job must be to verify these interpretations. We must become knowledgeable about money matters; we must pay attention to the workings of congress; and we must lean on God, and not man, if we want to understand His workings in our lives. A role of the Holy Spirit is to discern Truth when we hear it. The Bible has foretold about all of these matters, so truth is available. We must stop the lazy minds and lazy spirits, open the Holy Word, get on our knees, and let God speak to us in our time, for this very day. Let us pray:

“Our father, who lives in heaven and in our hearts, holy, holy is your name. When your name is spoken, life bursts forth into blossom, for your words created and create. May your will unfold like a delicate and vital flower in our lives, that your plan for us may come into being. We ask for healing, for health, for strength, for awareness, for understanding and discernment, for truth (clearly visible and clearly stated), salvation and grace in our lives and in the lives of those we love and those we call to name before your throne. May we seek and find your will for us and for our country and world. Give us bold voices to testify to your truth, love and how you have worked in our lives. There are loved ones who continue to struggle with illness of the body. We pray for their healing, for the wisdom of their physicians, for hope, and for the breath of LIFE to enter them and touch each spot. We are ashamed of our laziness and our focus on ourselves. May we turn our eyes and heart to you, oh father, for only in your arms will we find your perfect love and our purpose. May we forgive others for their estrangement with us and realign our heart to walk beside them, revealing you to them along their path. We praise your name, of God, for only you are worthy of our adoration, and thank you for answering our prayers. In the name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen”

“Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.”
“You have given us stories that testify to your love. Let me tell you mine.”

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