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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, April 13, 2009


My cousin Claudia died last week and we celebrated her HOME COMING on Saturday, the day before Easter. She simply went to bed on Monday evening and woke up in the arms of God. She knew where she was going and wasn’t afraid. Because there was a first Easter, it was possible for her to go home to you, God. It is because of the day after Easter, and the message of the Risen Christ, that Claudia, and you and I, have been introduced to the Christ of the empty tomb and the gift of Salvation, grace, mercy, and eternal life. We are a Resurrection People, an Easter People, the People of Love and Peace. Are we continuing the work of those who spread Christ’s message over the last two thousand years, or have we let the message fall to the ground at our feet where we have stepped on it, stepped over it, and walk on - to where? There would be no where worth going if Jesus Christ didn’t go with us. I pray that you have a safe journey HOME, as you gather the lovelies of God along your way. Let us pray:

“Oh precious Heavenly Father, Holy is your name. May your kingdom of love come and dwell within us, so Heaven may begin in our hearts this day. We ask on this Easter Monday that you accept our gift of service to you. We know that we are not able to draw others to you on our own merit, as if we had something important to say. But you, Father, can speak Eternity through us. We have the awesome responsibility of introducing Salvation to those around us. We know we stumble, so we pray this very day, that you will use our witness and our words, to say exactly what someone needs to hear in order to rest in you, without our even being aware of our gift of the words of Life. Forgive us when we have not spoken out for you or when we have not let you lead in the gathering of others to you. May you shine forth from our lives so others will know that you live. May all glory be yours, oh Father, that your message may not be tarnished by our imperfections. In the name of your own son, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen”


Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

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