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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, March 14, 2011


The earth’s plates shifted and the ground above it shook with a force strong enough to send tsunami waves nearly 5500 miles from the epicenter in Japan to the coast of California at the speed of a jet airplane. This earth is not Heaven. It is merely a forge for the strengthening of our character as we are readied for the glory that is to come.

The whole world is part of the family of God and our kinfolk have been brought low with the might of this world’s natural forces. For those who have died, for those who are injured, for those who are missing, for those who are homeless, your father God sends you messages of love and hope and peace amid the chaos. Praise the name of the Lord of Peace, call upon his name, and he will bring you his grace and peace in spite of the destruction around you. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, Love of all, we praise your precious name. May your kingdom come amid the pain and bring your perfect healing to an injured world. Chaos is NOT of you, Father. Chaos is from the author of darkness, not the Prince of Light. We long to seek the sweet face of Jesus among the broken, for that is where we will find you, Father God. We ask this very day, that the man-made containment walls of the nuclear reactors may hold back the radiation that could harm your loving children. We pray for safety for those injured, homeless, and missing. Fill them with your hope and love. May we, who were untouched, rise up with the strength you have given us and bring aid to those in pain and hold back the economic disaster that could come. With your love, we can bring hope, confidence, strength, help, and security to this world. We have allowed ourselves to be shamed into hiding the love we have for you and therefore others. Now, we stretch out our arms like the wings of angels, and gather your children in, where they will know they are loved and protected until the earth trembles no more. In the name of Jesus Christ, who brought your love to the earth, we pray. Amen”
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2011 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.

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