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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Walk" Outside of the Boat

“They were even more astonished and said to Him, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Looking at them, Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” 
Mark 10:26-27.

“But, I have prayed and prayed and God has not heard my prayer.” How often have you heard someone say that? Of course God heard your prayer. He doesn’t play video games all day and night, or nap so often His brain is dull. “… indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121: 4. Mark 10 says, “… all things are possible with God.” It does not say, “Everything I want and dream about will be given to me if I pray, because God can do anything.”

Don’t you think the things God chooses to do will be God-like-things? It’s not, “What can God do for me today?” It should be, “What can I do to further your plan, God?” Do you think Jesus instructed Peter to “get out of the boat and walk on the water,” in order to make Peter powerful, or rich, or to advance Peter’s plan? You do?! Then you have missed the boat.

We’ve all said we should think “outside the box,” that’s where creativity is. I’m suggesting we “walk outside the boat.” But remember, we can only walk on the water when Christ calls us to do so and when we keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him. Maybe you think we can gain more glory and praise if we get out of the boat—only servant-rowers stay in the boat. My friend, the boat wouldn’t even be in the water unless people pull on the oars. The work and ministry of the oarsman (oars-person for those of you who are politically correct) is equal in value in the eyes of God to the one who gets out of the boat. Now, if you’re still saying, “Yes, but no one notices the support people in the boat.” In that case, “being noticed” is your goal, not service to God. I am so sorry, my friend, but the verse in Mark about getting out of the boat, is for those whose goal is to serve God selflessly and help Him to further His kingdom. Whether we are call to get out or stay in, let us pray that we can be in “God’s boat,” and there serve Him:

“Father God, I know that all things are possible with you. Let me always remember that all Godly things are possible with you. It is not in your nature to grant your children’s “wishes.”  All of Heaven sing praises to your glory; may your song resonate in my heart. Father, on this day, I ask that you use me in your plan, wherever you need me. May all glory be yours, Father. There are millions of people who do not know you as Abba, Daddy-God, full of Love, Grace, and the Power to recreate me into your likeness, through Jesus. May your Love fall down from Heaven and bathe each heart, everywhere. Forgive me when I sometimes believe I am a better judge of who should receive your grace than you are. I know that is not the heart of a servant and for that attempted power-grab, I seek your forgiveness. Let today be the day I row harder or answer your call to walk outside of the boat. I am yours, ready to serve you, inside or outside of YOUR boat. In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at

Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy – go to )
Length of Days – The Age of Silence (1st in the trilogy)
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)
Many others at and 

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