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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, December 21, 2015

Do You Hear What I Hear?

“I thank my God every time I remember you.Philippians 1:3 (NIV)
Sunday, as Carolyn played a beautiful piano solo, combining many Christmas hymns and carols, my father’s one-note melody drifted into my mind and I smiled. Daddy was a fine Christian but with a blue-collar vocabulary who sang praises to the Lord on the flat lilt of a tone-deaf monotone. It was hard to hold back tears of joy when I heard his familiar voice singing again in my memory.
Momma played the piano for the primary-grade Sunday school classes as they gathered before their Bible lesson. She pounded on those ivory keys until the melodies of Christmas flooded the low ceiling-room in the little Beavertown EUB church of my childhood. As we all listened to Carolyn yesterday, in my mind I saw Momma in her brown felt hat with the attached Christmas tree pin with bright rhinestones for tiny ornaments and my heart filled with love and joy.
For myself, I have/had a trained singing voice with a three-octave range … before three or four winters with chronic bronchitis and several surgeries in which oxygen burned my vocal chords. I have lost the top two octaves and sing in a female-tenor range. But Sunday, it was different. As the pianist drew beautiful tones out of the piano, I could hear my own voice of a decade ago, floating above the words of praise. I could not control my emotions. While I cannot now sing to praise the Lord as I used to, I know I heard my own voice singing, just like I’ll sound in Heaven when I’m invited to sing with the angel choir.
Christmas is a wonderful time of past and present, celebrating with birthday songs to our Lord Jesus and the trill of giggles from our children and grandchildren as they experience the season with new eyes and ears. What do you hear this Christmas — family arguments from the past or the sweet voices and sounds of your own childhood? Even a flat or melody-free rendition, when sung by the familiar voice of a loving father, is a blessing for which to thank God.
What sounds do you hear at Christmas? What memories do you cling to? Are they ones for which you cannot help but thank God? If not, let them go and choose to remember joy. Let us pray:
“Oh Father God, creator of all there is and father of the Christmas-child, holy is your name and the name of Jesus. At this sacred time of the year, I ask that your will may come to earth and into my life, just as it is in Heaven. For today, I ask that the good sounds of Christmas-past and Christmas-present may fill my mind and memory. Forgive me when I have contributed to the jangle and noise at the foot of the manger. May I not disturb the Christ child or any of your children around me. I thank you for all the good voices of my past and all the many, many blessings of the present. May I be part of the joy and song of Christmas and not a clanging racket. In the name of Jesus, the Christ-child and my savior, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

A very Merry and Blessed Christmas to all of you!


Saturday, October 31, 2015

18 Jars of Marmalade

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13: 34-35 (ESV)
It’s the very last day of October. The gold and crimson leaves are falling in the autumn wind creating a warm, multi-colored blanket on the lawn. October has also been pastor-appreciation month. How does one show appreciation to their pastor — or their spouse, friends and other family members? - By using the 3-L’s in their interactions: Listen, Laugh and Love.

“I’d like orange marmalade with that,” my husband Bill said to the waitress one Saturday morning as she put a plate of toast in front of him.

“We don’t have any,” she apologized.

Bill meets twice a month for an early Saturday morning breakfast with a few men from our church. As he went to the counter to pay that jam-less morning, he noticed some marmalade on a shelf. “There’s some right there,” he pointed out. The men laughed at his insistent reaction and remembered his disappointed but fun attitude.

As the people planned ways to show their appreciation during October the congregation showed their thanks by using those 3-L’s. They had heard and remembered Bill’s lament over the lack of orange marmalade on a previous Saturday morning. They all enjoyed the fun of the allusive sweet orange rind and they showed their love on the first Sunday of October. Families in our small country church brought in jars of orange marmalade, eighteen in total, and blessed him with a … citric jelly jar shower!

Use the 3-L’s to develop other solid relationships. (1) Listen – Many people believe that no one hears them. Be the very best listener you can be. (2) Laugh until all the lines in your face go up. There are very few things in this life that merit an argument. Laugh with, not at others. Buddy, don’t bully. Then, (3) love freely, asking for nothing in return. Love one another as Jesus loved His disciples. Those who don’t know Him will see His light reflected in our love. Love enough to fill eighteen jars to the brim … and running over until it sweetens all those around us. Let us pray:

“Our father God, you sent love to earth in the embodiment of your son, Jesus. He asked us to love one another and to share that love with others beyond our group. As the wind chills, we will be coming into the blessed season of Jesus’ birth, when we share love freely. Let today be the day that I decide to listen, laugh and love with others every day, not just during selected months of the year, whether that be October or December. I admit I want my own needs met. Forgive me when I’m too busy to see the needs of those around me. May I spread enough love to fill eighteen jars to over-flowing. In the name of your son, my savior and redeemer, Jesus I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

A big thank you to the 631 readers who signed up to try to win one of ten copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel, at Goodreads.
Another big thanks to those who came to Mt Etna’s Bazaar last Saturday. It was great meeting so many readers!

I will sign all six novels at the following upcoming book-signings.
11/07/15             Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – Time: 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15             Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – Time: 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN. I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction”

All books are also available on

Monday, October 19, 2015


“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NIV)

How many of you have read social media that begins like this? “I’ve had a ______ day today.” Or, maybe you’ve posted it. Fill in the blank with words you’ve read or used. My friends, if we desire to please the Lord, AT ALL, these words are not acceptable.

“Doris, you’re just old fashioned,” some might say. Perhaps. Others would say that the Bible is also old fashioned and doesn’t apply to today. Really? Then, would you deny the written words of the Bible? Would you deny God? Is that too simple? Perhaps there are things that really are that simple.

It is interesting that the “old fashioned” Bible says that we are to let our words be pleasing in the SIGHT of God. Is it possible that the Lord reads our social media posts? I know that those who seek God through our example read our words. Do we honor God by what we say? Glorify God in all that we do and he will help us bridle our words, both spoken and written. Let us pray:

“Father God, I honor your precious name. May your kingdom come to dwell within me this day, so that I may live with you. Today, I ask you to fill me with words that please you. Sometimes it is hard, for those offensive terms are part of the world in which I live and I walk among them every day. Insulate me from them so that they may not bury themselves in my heart like a virus that could seek to do me and others around me harm. Forgive me when I use words in anger or to impress others. I want only to please you. In the name of your son, Jesus, my savior and redeemer I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Sign up at Goodreads to win one of two copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel.

Or, come to one of my book-signings this fall and I’ll sign one for you at the special Author Fair price. My other novels will also be available.
10/24/15             Mt Etna UMW Holiday Bazaar – 9am-2pm. On Rt 9 South of Huntington, IN
11/07/15             Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15             Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN. I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction”

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Songs of My Heart

“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” Proverbs 27:19 (NLT)

“… Ruler of my heart today, Jesus Lord to me.”¹ Every morning this week, as I opened my eyes to greet the blessings of the new day, I was aware that my heart had been singing a chorus we sang last Sunday in church—“Jesus, Lord to Me.” Even more miraculous, it sounds like the melodic lines I used to sing when my voice was young and strong. Over the last ten years, I have had chronic bronchitis with accompanying laryngitis that has lasted two to four months. As a result, I lost the top octave off my vocal range. Recently, following my back surgery, my breath control has also faded. But, when my heart sings, I sound like “the me” God created. Rather than being angry or sad, I feel blessed, knowing that one day my invitation will come to sing with the angels in their choir. Why?—because, I will know the words.

With what musical lyrics, lines from books, Facebook postings and movies quotes are you filling your heart? Do the words of your heart reflect you as a real person? The Psalmist said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”(19:14 ESV)

Fill your heart and soul with the words you will hear in heaven, so when you get there, you will recognize the language spoken. If not, you’d better tell a good friend to wait for you just inside the gates to act as your translator. Saint Peter may stand at Heaven’s Gate and ask if you want in through the Pearly Gates or cross the River Stix to get into Hades. Which word will you be more familiar with, Heaven or Hell—and the vocabulary of the natives there? Fill your heart with songs of His love and grace, so that you too can sing in the angel choir. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, your son, Jesus, is Savior, Lord to me. May your kingdom come to dwell in my heart so it is so full of you, no other words can crowd you out. Filled with you, I pray that your will may be done in my Life, just as your will whispers and sings throughout Heaven. For today, I give over all words, thoughts and actions that are not acceptable to you. I know I cannot do this on my own, oh Lord. But, with your spirit buried in my heart and soul, you will always be there to guide and caution me. I choose only to glorify you. Forgive me when I boast, for I do not wear glory well. Only you deserve the Light. I thank you Lord for letting me walk in the safety of the shadow you cast as I walk near you. May it always be so. In the name of your son, Jesus—ruler of my heart today, Jesus, Lord to me—I pray.  Amen”
Doris Gaines Rapp
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp
¹ Jesus, Lord to Me, by Gary Mcspadden and Greg Nelson

Sign up at Goodreads to win one of two copies of my newest book, News at Eleven – A Novel.

Or, come to one of my book-signings this fall and I’ll sign one for you at the special Author Fair price. My other novels will also be available.
10/24/15  Mt Etna UMW Holiday Bazaar – 9am-2pm. On Rt 9 South of Huntington, IN
11/07/15  Whitley County Historical Museum Author Fair – 1-4pm. Columbia City, IN
11/14/15  Allen County Public Library – Author Fair – 1-4pm. Main Library – Fort Wayne, IN.
I also speak on the second panel, “Write On! – Steps to Fabulous Fiction.”

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let All the World Know

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that thy may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5: 14-16

Each week, I check the stats from my blogs. This week, on my Prayer Therapy blog, besides readers from here in the United States, there were also some from Germany, Romania, China, the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Ukraine. Week after week there are similar readers. I have been blogging for several years so far and have a total of 12,452 pageviews. That’s not a lot as compared to Laura Ingraham's new blog, (Life Explained), which was just placed online a few months ago and probably has that many readers already. Ingraham, introduced as the Editor-in-Chief when she appears as a guest on TV shows, is another case of a successfully self-published author/editor with her online publication.

You may not want to blog, or write, or speak in public, but what you do and say in your family and in your community is your opportunity to “let the world know,” to “let your light shine.” I often wonder how my light shines in the world around me. Is my glow so dim I fade into the corner? Or, do I blind others with the wattage I try to push into a space?

Don’t hide your light by dimming it with modest, low self-esteem. We are not to esteem ourselves brighter than others. Our Light from the Lord is not about measuring up, or down, to the luster or dullness of others. We are to shine with the light of the Father within us and share His love with others. Let us pray:

“Father of Light and Love, I bow before your brilliance. You are the Light that gives Life to all. Fill me with your brilliance so that your light spills out of my being and shoots out like life-changing bolts. Let this be the day when I choose to shine for you, so that others may see your light and therefore - live. Forgive me for the times when I have hidden your beams from others, for fear the light would put me in the center. I know I will never be alone in the middle when you are the one who shines inside me. Take away my fear that others will misunderstand my motives, when my only purpose is to serve you. In the name of your son, my savior, Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen”
Doris Gaines Rapp
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Love Never Fails

“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  1 Corinthians 13:8
“Oh, come on. What do you mean, ‘Love never fails?’ It has failed me,” a friend protested.
“Maybe love didn’t fail you,” I suggested sympathetically. “Perhaps you failed to love.”
Love creates, Love heals, and Love defines our lives. Love cannot fail us. Failure means we have not achieved our goal. Love cannot be a goal. It is the purpose of our lives. It is “doing” not “achieving.”
Love everyone every day, not for what they do or what they say or how much they have or don’t have. If you fully love, love will fill you. We don’t love for what we will get out of it. When we are filled with Christ, with Love, we are loving.  We are not an imitation of Love; we’re a true reflection of the original. Love cannot fail us. We can only fail Love. Let us pray:
“Father, Holy God, I bow before you, so when I bend to others, Love will spill out. For today, I want to so love that Love is all others see. Forgive me when I have withheld any measure of love, for it is you and your son I am keeping from those I meet. Love is all I have to give, everything else is false bravado. May I not be strong, or brave, just open to you. In the name of your son, Jesus, the embodiment of Love, I pray. Amen”
Doris Gaines Rapp
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, August 10, 2015

Go Then . . .

Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works. Let your clothes be white all the time, and let not oil be lacking on your head. Enjoy life with the woman [or man] whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun.”  Ecclesiastes 9: 7-9

“It’s time for the World’s Longest Yard Sale,” I reminded my husband with excitement. I had wanted to go to this opportunity to buy a lot of what I really didn’t need for a long time. I would watch the highlights on HGTV later each fall.

Truly, it is the world’s longest yard sale. It’s 690 miles long and follows Route 127 through six states: Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.

“Hey, Doris, didn’t you have back surgery in May? Aren’t you still using a walker and rest frequently?”

“Yes,” to both questions. But, I spent the day my way, with a cheerful heart. I didn’t moan because I couldn’t do it all. I rejoiced that I could do it at all.

What was my style? I didn’t sit at home. Last Saturday I “went,” following the “go then . . .” instruction in Ecclesiastes. Bill, Katy and I drove over to Decatur, Indiana and had a wonderful lunch at the Back Forty Junction, a fantastic buffet of more food than I could even taste. As I looked around the dining room I saw it was not too much for some who carried two plates of the main course, plus salad, a cheese and bread saucer, and desserts piled high. I tried not to stare.

Then, we crossed the Ohio line near Van Wert and stopped at half-a-dozen booths, roughly one-eighth of a mile long out of the 690 miles in total. Was I disappointed? No - I was tired! We ate our bread in happiness, drank our coffee and cola with a cheerful heart, in clean clothes and combed hair. Most important, we enjoyed life with the ones we loved.

No one can tell another person what portion of a yard sale is “enough:” enough joy, enough sunshine, enough food or enough love. For some, there will never be enough. Others find “enough” in an unfolding rose bud, the warmth of a setting sun, the smiles of those around them and the loving sacrifice of their Lord. Let us pray:

“Dear Lord and God of bounty and plenty, Holy is your name. You are my all in all - enough of all there is to satisfy the most restless soul. Fill my life with your magnificent love and beauty. Let this be the day when I realize that my cup has been running over all the time. I have been too greedy to notice, always wanting more, never satisfied with what you have given me. How could I possibly say that your gifts are not good enough or big enough? Forgive me, Father, for being your ungrateful child. May your light shine so brightly all around me that I cannot help but see all of your blessings and be grateful for them. In the name of Jesus, your son of light I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, August 3, 2015

Never Alone

“And He who sent me is with me; He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him. As he spoke these things, many came to believe in him.” John 8: 29-30

A few days ago we had a “blue moon.” When I was young, I thought that meant the moon would actually appear as a blue sphere in the night sky. An azure moon is rare. A moon that appears blue is created when the atmosphere is filled with dust and/or smoke particles that are slightly larger than 0.7 micron. According to an article, Blue Moon, July 31, 2015, “the particles scatter the red light making the moon appear blue in color,” like when there’s a dust storm, large forest fire or when a volcano erupts.

The lunar event that appeared last Friday, a blue moon, was the appearance of a second full moon in a single month, July 1 and July 31. As a singer, however, when I hear the term Blue Moon, my mind always goes back to an old song by the same name.

In the words of Blue Moon (1934), lyricist Lorenz Hart (music by Richard Rodgers) describes a lonely, desperate person. “Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own.” My friends, we do not have to be alone and unloved. God is with us.

Jesus said that the one who sent him was with him. Why, or how? “. . . for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.” If we are feeling that God isn’t with us, perhaps we are asking Him to honor our plans rather than seeking to follow His order for us and please Him. Let us pray:

“Dear Father, God, you are all that is divine. May your dream come and conquer my heart, so that I may always do the things that please you so that you may dwell within me. Today, I choose to begin a life of doing the things that honor and please you. Forgive me when I have done things that attempt to lift me up and please me. A life lived for myself is a lonely life.  I cannot do these things alone. I need the Holy Spirit to take up residence in my life, to guide me and help me make choices that please you. I know these things are true and possible because Jesus said they were. And, like those you heard him speak over two-thousand years ago, I have “come to believe him.” If the Son of the everlasting God has told us it is true, it cannot be otherwise. Amen.”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Blue Moon, July 31, 2015. Viewed 8/3/15

Monday, July 20, 2015

Missed Miracles

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26).

During my spine surgery in May, something happened. I don’t know exactly what because, with all the trauma around the operation, I can’t remember the details. I just know that my kidneys failed at the time of the procedure. I can still hear the nephrologist who came into my hospital room later that evening as he leaned in close to my bed.
     “You do know that God can heal, don’t you?” He asked. A gold cross hung from his neck.
     “Yes,” was all I could say through the fog of pain and lingering anesthetic. Inside, I not only knew that God can heal the broken in body, mind and spirt, I had experienced His healing in the past.
     “Pray, and God will heal your kidney,” he added before he left.
     I smiled and agreed, but didn’t know what he was talking about. The surgery had been on my spine, not my kidneys. The surgeon had fused my spine along the lumbar area, inserted rods and a metal plate. When the kidney doctor left, I was too dazed to grasp what he meant by a problem with my kidney.
     My own, nonverbal silent prayers, buried beneath the blur of anesthetic, pain and total kidney failure were for the rapid and complete healing of my back. The collapse of my lower spine was why I walked into the hospital early that morning, not something else.
     In spite of the bag after bag of fluid they dripped into my veins every day for eight days, the creatinine level in my blood had risen dangerously high. My husband and two daughters didn’t tell me that my square, swollen face made me look like Sponge Bob. Later, I suggested Sponge Bobette, square capris was more appropriate. But right then, I only knew the retained fluid and swelling in my legs was painful. After the ninth day, the nephrologist made it clear that I would have to undergo a dialysis treatment the next day if the creatinine level in my blood was not starting down.
     I realized that family and friends from Texas, to Colorado, Ohio to Florida, and Michigan to the north were praying for my speedy post-op recovery. If I could have concentrated, I too would have prayed. Deep inside, I could feel the presence of a spirit that prayed on my behalf. I knew I could not find the words, but the words were there none-the-less.
     On the tenth day, my creatinine number began to fall. I transferred from the hospital to a wonderful in-patient rehabilitation unit near our home. That first evening, the treating physician for the rehab facility stopped in to see me. Dr. Mathew, a Christian man, assured me, in spite of all I had been through, I would heal.
     Two weeks after my admittance to rehab I had a follow-up appointment with the nephrologist. He reported that my kidneys were fine. I hadn’t had a problem before the surgery and he didn’t expect me to have another one. He smiled broadly and dismissed me as a patient.
     Over the weeks in in-patient therapy, I received many get-well cards, words of encouragement, visits from friends and family and reports of prayers going up all over the country for a complete healing of my back. My physical therapy was a little slow at first since I had to regain energy from the kidney failure. Finally, I was able to get to my feet, walk in the halls and sit on the living room side of my hospital suite!
     While there, I still struggled with words. Even after I began to regain verbal expression, written words were not there. It was weeks before I even picked up my laptop again. This, from the woman who had written six novels in the last three years! I wanted to write this blog post weeks ago. At first, I’d type a sentence and then lay it all aside. And, that was okay. It was the same with my own prayers. If I couldn’t express a prayer for the healing of my spine, I knew there were hundreds of others praying for me. I had not lost my belief in prayer. I had temporarily lost the ability to express the words of prayer.
     Isn’t it wonderful how God provides a whole company of prayer warriors to intercede for us when we need them? Each day my therapist could see improvement and it continues in out-patient therapy. Just weeks ago, I had nearly died and now I can walk, climb three or four steps and I have started the third and final book in the Length of Days trilogy: Length of Days – Freedom Re-born. The words are flowing, with an anticipated completion date by the end of the year, ready for a 2016 launch! The Lord restored my voice, verbal and written, and is healing my back – Praise His holy name!
     The evening before dismissal from the Heritage of Huntington, Dr. Mathew came in to see me. His eyes were bright with joy and praise. “Your kidney has healed!” His voice was full of excitement.
     “Yes,” I agreed with enthusiasm. “And, the nephrologist said he doesn’t expect it to happen again.”
     “No,” he protested with the Holy energy of a found blessing, “your kidney has healed!”
     It wasn’t until the next day that I grasped the meaning of what he said and realized the miracle I had nearly missed. I had been praying that my back would be healed and the all-knowing Lord healed my kidney first at the request of the prayers of all those who bowed before him on my behalf. I had put in an order. “One healed spine please” and didn’t even see the miracle of a healed kidney.
     We miss many of the blessings given to us when we believe we know our needs better than God and look only for evidence of “wishes fulfilled.” Every time our children awaken in the morning and greet us with a hug and kiss, we have witnessed a miracle.  When we bury our head in our cell phone, waiting for a specific answer, we fail to notice the blessings of Love. Don’t miss the awesome miracle of what he has already given us, while hoping to receive our own dreams and desires. Let us pray:
“Dear Father God, Holy is your name and hallowed are each of your blessings. May your kingdom come to live in my life that I may dwell with you. For this day, may I lay my requests aside and rely on you, the wisdom of the ages, to know what is best for me. I even found a four-leafed clover at my feet as I got in the car to go for my follow-up appointment with my surgeon, and acknowledged it as “the Luck of the Irish” and not a promise-sign from you of your presence in my life. While I waited with impatience for the long healing of my back, I over-looked the complete healing of my kidney. How very foolish I can be. Forgive me for failing to see your hand in my life. May I look for you, so that I may see your miracles. In the name of your son Jesus, the great healer and my savior, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

CATCH UP to Christiana and Jason and their adventures in the year 2112. You'll be ready before the launch of Book 3, Length of Days – Freedom Re-born which is at the end of this year. Subscribers to Kindle e-books can read Book 1, Length of Days – The Age of Silence, free. Non-subscribers can read for $0.99. Book 2, Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers eBook is available on Amazon for $3.99.
An e-Reader is not necessary. Download a free app to read the books on your computer or smart phone.
Paperback copies of both are also on Amazon.

Profits will go to a greatly needed shower for the first floor of our home, due to my recent spine surgery. (Doris Gaines Rapp)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Too Tired to Pray

In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;  and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8:26-28

Some of you know I had spine surgery last month. I’m still in rehab. and can now walk a little, with the walker and a gifted CNA or Physical Therapist at my side. I thank God for each day of improvement, even though I have a long way to go.

Two months before my surgery date, my middle back slid off alignment. The pain was horrible. I wanted to pray but the pain medication left me unable to form the words. But, I knew . . . when the voice cannot form a prayer the spirit prays without ceasing.

I knew there were many friends and family praying for me. Even my Nephrologist (kidney specialist when my kidneys failed during surgery) looked at me with sincere eyes and said, “You know that God can heal don’t you? You pray that your kidneys are healed and they will be.” Praise the Lord for physicians with their gift of healing and for those who boldly walk with you.

Who are you praying for? Do you believe the prayers you whisper? God does heal. Pray for his touch. Let us pray:

“Oh God, Father of the Great Physician, Holy is your name. May your kingdom of Love and wholeness come to live within me, that I may live in health and strength as do those who dwell with you in heaven. For this day, I ask for continued strength development, physical and emotional health, and improved mobility. May those around me, who I sometimes cannot see through my own pain, find your strength, health and healing as well. All these things I pray in the name of him who needed only to touch me and I would be made whole again, your son, my savior Jesus Christ, in whom I believe. Amen”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, May 11, 2015

Pray Without Ceasing

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing;  in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.…" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Even though I have surgery tomorrow morning, I was thinking about you this evening. My spine surgery is scheduled for 9:30 am so I'll get up at 4:30 a.m. in order to arrive at the hospital in time. Let us spend this moment together this evening.

Always know that God heals those who are broken: broken in body, in heart and in soul. My body is rapidly disintegrating in the lower, thoracic area. But, I know that the Lord has plans for me far greater than anything I could ever imagine. And, I know he loves you and the person he intended you to be. Be willing to be shaped and molded into the Love of his heart, for there is no greater role in life than to be His. Let us pray:

"Father God Almighty, holy are you and your son Jesus Christ. May your kingdom come to my life that I may dwell in the light of your smile. For this day, I ask that you bring healing to me in every way. Guide the surgeon's hands tomorrow and may the Great physician guide his every move. Heal all those read these words around the world, for we all need your masterful touch. In the name of your son, Jesus, our Lord, I pray. Amen"
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sing Deeply, Sing Long

“I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 104:33 (NIV)

“Everyone, practice breathing deeply,” the nurse instructor of my pre-surgery class encouraged last week.

I have tried to follow her directions but don’t always remember. Singing the wonderful choruses in church on Sunday morning, it came to me, singing is breathing deeply! And, as a major in vocal music, I learned that deep, diaphragmatic breathing is what singers do.

While I prepare for surgery, I can sing praises to the Lord my God, over and over every day. What more reassuring and comforting way to prepare my heart and mind and body. You can develop your lungs every day of your life, too, by simply singing praises to God, with deep tones and deeper meaning, long praises and longer commitment. Sing praises to God for as long as you live and you just may live longer. Let us pray:

“Holy Father, to you I sing. I breathe in your love and life-giving health-laced air.  I exhale all the staleness of my life. Your breath fills me with your presence and I know that you live within me. For this day, I ask for your mighty wind to blow through my life and touch me with healing and health, love and the ability to love in return. Forgive me when I forget to breathe in life and sing your praises with gusto. May today be the day when songs of love pour forth from my heart and fill the world around me. In the name of Jesus, your son and the author of Love, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Novels:  (Available online at Amazon and Cokesbury)
News at Eleven – A Novel now available on Amazon or purchased at the Bookmark on Anthony Blvd. in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy)
Length of Days – The Age of Silence (1st in the trilogy)
Escape from the Belfry
Smoke from Distant Fires
Hiawassee – Child of the Meadow

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Life of Enough

“The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little. And, when they measured it by the omer, he who gathered much did not did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each one gathered as much as he needed.”  Exodus 16: 17-16
“But I work just as hard as everyone else and I don’t get anywhere.” I’ve heard this often. What about you? Many times, it is true. Some people get ahead with what seems like little effort and others work their whole lives and never advance Then, I have to ask, “Ahead of what or who?” Is the measure of our success dependent on how much more we have than others? If it is, my friend, we will never have enough.
God planned for us to have all we need, not all we want. He will meet all of our needs! How amazing is that? The God of everything, sorted from among all His treasures, and gave us all that we will need. I know there are some who have nothing right now. I cannot explain the mind of our God who is far beyond our understanding. But, I know he will bless you and me in many ways: loving children, the joy of a beautiful day. You make a list of all you have, but don’t list all you want, or monetary blessings.              
A life of enough is a life of joy and thankfulness. That is where true happiness lies. Come into his fields of beauty and love and bask in the sunshine of his presence. There is enough there, all we need. Let us pray:
“Holy Father, you abound in riches beyond anything I can imagine. You do not bind your treasures in gold sashes, however. You wrap your bricks of gold in the ribbons of your love and your promise to be with me through all of my needs. Thank you that you have provided me with all I need and all I have is enough to meet those needs. Forgive me when I have believed that your love is not enough. May I live this day within a life of enough, for you have provided it all for me. May I feel the fullness of your bounty all around me and may I share your riches with others. In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Book signing of News at Eleven – A Novel, Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 11 am to 1 pm at Dorothy’s Hallmark in the shopping center at Huntington, Indiana.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Praise the Lord for His Healing Hand

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James 5:15

As many of you know, my back has finally said, “I give up!” I have had to give in to needed surgery which will be May 12. In response to encouraging words from a friend, I had responded to her:

            “The Lord is truly great and He whispers in the ear of those who bring His healing to others.”

I know I’m not the only one who is in pain or is broken in body and/or health. I thought I’d pass on those few words to you. If you or a loved one is facing surgery or healing, know that the Lord our God is great and He will lay His hand on you and your medical team as well. How do I know? Because … that is the nature of God. God heals and loves and forgives because … He is God. Let us pray:

“Precious Lord, lay your hands on my pain, on my brokenness, on my illness. Place your hands on top of those you have called to heal others, my medical team and my family and friends. All of who you planned for me to be, the healthy body you intended me to have, flow again from your fingers, just as they did when you first created me. Thank you, Father God for all that you have given me. Forgive me when I sometime do not accept your love and healing. I believe I can find the answers on my own without your guidance or touch. That insults you and your plan for my life. Today, I will live the life of good health and successful living that is your pleasure to give me. I thank you Lord for being pure love and I ask for the privilege of bringing your love to others. In the name of Jesus, your son who created the world with his words, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Friday, April 24:    Book signing of News at Eleven – A Novel, at Tapestry – A Day for You, at the Coliseum, Fort Wayne, IN.  News at Eleven – A Novel is a completion of the Novelette serialized in Glo Magazine during January – April, 2015. Tickets are now sold out for Tapestry, but perhaps I will see you there if you registered early. Stop by the Glo table and say “Hi.” The keynote speaker is Jane Pauley.
A few copies of News at Eleven - A Novel will also be available to purchase beginning Tuesday, April 21 at the Bookmark on Anthony Blvd, in Fort Wayne.

Saturday, May 2:    Book signing of News at Eleven – A Novel, at Dorothy’s Hallmark in Huntington, Indiana from 11 am to 1 pm. See you there!

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Day after Easter

“They said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?’”  Luke 24:32

By the day after Easter, it was no longer the ears who heard the words of Jesus, the Christ, but the heart and soul within as well. When Jesus died on the cross, we went from those who heard and followed, to those who, when they heard, became disciples and leaders in His new church.

Are you still an observer of the Word, or does it burn within you with a fire you must release to the world around you? God does not call everyone to distant missionary lands. Did you not know that He has placed you in center of your own fertile field? You are the planter and harvesting-specialist here! This is the day after Easter. Your new life has begun! Let us pray:

“Father God, Holy is your name and the name of your resurrected Son, Jesus Christ. At Easter, two thousand years ago, the Day of your Kingdom-on-Earth began, and yet we often do not see your gleaming cathedrals-of-the-heart around us and within. May this be the day when Easter awakens within me with a fire so bright you shine in spite of my fear of shinning. May I be a blessing to others even when I am unaware of the gift. May I sow your word and love in the garden of my life and harvest sweet believers for you. In the name of your son Jesus, the Christ of the empty tomb, I pray. Amen”

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at

News at Eleven – A Novel now available on Amazon. Can be purchased and signed at Tapestry in Fort Wayne, April 24, or purchased on Amazon and brought to Tapestry for me to sign.
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy in which the Keepers memories books before they were all destroyed)
Length of Days – The Age of Silence (1st in the trilogy)
Escape from the Belfry
Smoke from Distant Fires
Hiawassee – Child of the Meadow

Monday, March 30, 2015

His Power is Made Perfect

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)

First, let me say, I praise the Lord for His kindness and mercy. I am not complaining; I’m explaining. I chose this passage from 2 Corinthians because my back is out. I cannot walk except bent over and in extreme pain. I managed to bring my ortho-appointment from Thursday to Tuesday evening, but between now and then, wow!

Some may blame God for pain. I do not. God is not about pain, or injury, or loss. He is all about love and wholeness. He has blessed me with the opportunity to write the Glo Magazine serialized novelette for January – April 2015. Praise the Lord for His kindness. He has given me the opportunity to sign the expanded novelette into a full novel at Tapestry at the end of April. Praise the Lord for His goodness. He will either let me walk into the Coliseum on April 24 or wheel my way in. Know for sure, it is His glory that will shine, for He is strong and made perfect in any adversity I may suffer. Praise the Lord! Let us pray:

“Praise to the Lord God, for you are perfect and you are made strong in my weakness. Holy, holy, holy is your name. In this Holist of all weeks of the calendar, I will sing of your great miracles of crucifixion, death, and resurrection, and not dwell on my own needs. Forgive me when I complain, forgetting that I have your amazing love. Let me share your love this week, and only love. In the name of Jesus, your son and my redeemer, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, March 23, 2015

Write God's Words on Your Heart

“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” Deuteronomy 11:18 (NIV)
“… store up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; … Matthew 6:20 (NIV)
Last evening, 60 Minutes reporter, Lara Logan reported on “Iraq’s Christians.” I will quote her words that you can read and hear by typing “Iraq’s Christians – 60 Minutes” into Google.
“On the side of a mountain, overlooking the Nineveh Plains of ancient Mesopotamia is the Monastery of St. Matthew. It’s one of the oldest on earth…. There are few places on earth where Christianity is as old as it is in Iraq. Christians there trace their history to the first century apostles. But today, their existence has been threatened by the terrorist group that calls itself Islamic State. More than 125,000 Christians—men, women and children—have been forced from their homes over the last ten months.” (60 Minutes March 22, 2015)
These Christians had to leave their homes and churches quickly. Refugees packed a few books along with personal possessions. However, the urgency of their departing meant that some of the oldest Christian manuscripts, books, and papers on earth were left behind. Some dated to the first century. Father Joseph Ibrahim, of the Monastery there, said their services were in the language of Jesus Christ, Aramaic. It may have been the last place on earth were Aramaic was spoken, kept alive in their prayers and church services. Father Joseph Ibrahim said there had been only seven monks left at St. Matthew, founded in 363. It had “survived the Persian and Ottoman empires, Mongol invaders and Kurdish conquests… and now is threatened by the Islamic State…” But, they are now gone from that Monastery.
We live in dangerous times. Because we do not live on the Nineveh Plains does not mean that the destruction of Christians in Iraq does not impact our lives. “Much of what took almost 2,000 years to build has been lost in a matter of months” in Iraq. How long would it take for our culture to fall if the Islamic State were to come here? How many Bibles would remain? Libraries? The Lincoln Memorial? The Washington Monument?
Are we completely helpless in this battle over beliefs? For today, I challenge every one of us to read and know the word of God well enough that it becomes written on our hearts. Some may complain, “But, I can’t memorize anything.” Still, the flavor of God and the perfume of His presence can be with us if we know Him through His own words and repeat them in our homes.
I was one of the lucky third-graders who had Miss. Weimer for our teacher. The secret to her popularity was her story telling. At the end of a school day, Miss. Weimer would “act out” the stories we loved. She “told stories;” she didn’t read them. Her tales live in my heart to this day.
What stories are we writing on our children’s hearts for them to remember and cherish for a lifetime? In light of the present destruction of the Christian culture in Iraq, bury His words in your heart and mind where no one can break in and steal. Share His words as often as you can; where ever you can; as lovingly as you can; for as long as you can. Let’s pray:
“Dear father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I bow before your name, your holiness. During this season of Christ’s Passion, when I am called on to remember you more frequently, more clearly, I ask that your words may be planted in my heart like seeds for the harvest. Give me the memory to recall your words in my home, my work and my gathering places. Forgive me when I have not taken my sacred ministry, to remember, seriously. Today, I will remember. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

A few of my novels:
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy in which the Keepers memories books before they were all destroyed)
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015 the novelette expansion that first appeared in Glo Magazine - winter 2015)

Monday, March 16, 2015

When the Red, Red Robin, Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' ...

“The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24

God promises the rainbow after the rain and robins after the snow. He renews His loving kindness every morning. His promises are true. Great is His faithfulness!

What about our faithfulness to the Lord? Even though we see the robins that fly in on spring wings, we sometimes blame God for the winter. Though we question God’s motives when a loved one dies, we must know that life here on Earth happens. Why are we surprised when it does? Along with the thrill of living in this world, comes the risk of dying at the end of our days. Why are we surprised when it happens? Some days we will have ice that makes our travel dangerous, snow that creates drifts to become lost in and sorry because we have had the privilege of loving so much. Why are we surprised when Life happens? God has promised the robin in the spring to all those who look to the sky instead of the hard stones under our feet. And, He is faithful and compassionate. Blessed is the name of the Lord. Let us pray:

“Father God, you are faithful and FULL of compassion, the source of all the LOVE and COMPASSION there is. Forgive me when I pray for good things; take pride in the blessings I have received; and then blame you when life happens. Today I choose to live within your kingdom. Regardless of what happens today, I know you will renew your love and kindness tomorrow. I love you Lord and I will choose to see your robins and  glorious eagles that fly to our yard every spring, not the left-over piles of dirty snow or the mud in the yard. I will recognize Life when it happens and not blame you because I’ve lived a different day than I had planned, but will thank you for the privilege of living in this beautiful world you have created. All these joys I share with others, because your son, Jesus, shared His love with me. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp
If you no longer want to receive these posts, send a return email.
If you want to read posts you have missed, go to
Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy – go to )
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)
Length of Days – The Age of Silence (1st in the trilogy)
Escape from the Belfry
Smoke from Distant Fires
Hiawassee – Child of the Meadow

Post-to-Phone Messages
Prayer for Release of Anxiety

Prayer Therapy of Jesus
Promote Yourself
Waiting for Jesus in a Can’t Wait World – Advent 2014

Christmas Feather, one of eight short stories in a wonderful collection titled, Christmases Past
Lincoln’s Christmas Mouse

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Walk" Outside of the Boat

“They were even more astonished and said to Him, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Looking at them, Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” 
Mark 10:26-27.

“But, I have prayed and prayed and God has not heard my prayer.” How often have you heard someone say that? Of course God heard your prayer. He doesn’t play video games all day and night, or nap so often His brain is dull. “… indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121: 4. Mark 10 says, “… all things are possible with God.” It does not say, “Everything I want and dream about will be given to me if I pray, because God can do anything.”

Don’t you think the things God chooses to do will be God-like-things? It’s not, “What can God do for me today?” It should be, “What can I do to further your plan, God?” Do you think Jesus instructed Peter to “get out of the boat and walk on the water,” in order to make Peter powerful, or rich, or to advance Peter’s plan? You do?! Then you have missed the boat.

We’ve all said we should think “outside the box,” that’s where creativity is. I’m suggesting we “walk outside the boat.” But remember, we can only walk on the water when Christ calls us to do so and when we keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him. Maybe you think we can gain more glory and praise if we get out of the boat—only servant-rowers stay in the boat. My friend, the boat wouldn’t even be in the water unless people pull on the oars. The work and ministry of the oarsman (oars-person for those of you who are politically correct) is equal in value in the eyes of God to the one who gets out of the boat. Now, if you’re still saying, “Yes, but no one notices the support people in the boat.” In that case, “being noticed” is your goal, not service to God. I am so sorry, my friend, but the verse in Mark about getting out of the boat, is for those whose goal is to serve God selflessly and help Him to further His kingdom. Whether we are call to get out or stay in, let us pray that we can be in “God’s boat,” and there serve Him:

“Father God, I know that all things are possible with you. Let me always remember that all Godly things are possible with you. It is not in your nature to grant your children’s “wishes.”  All of Heaven sing praises to your glory; may your song resonate in my heart. Father, on this day, I ask that you use me in your plan, wherever you need me. May all glory be yours, Father. There are millions of people who do not know you as Abba, Daddy-God, full of Love, Grace, and the Power to recreate me into your likeness, through Jesus. May your Love fall down from Heaven and bathe each heart, everywhere. Forgive me when I sometimes believe I am a better judge of who should receive your grace than you are. I know that is not the heart of a servant and for that attempted power-grab, I seek your forgiveness. Let today be the day I row harder or answer your call to walk outside of the boat. I am yours, ready to serve you, inside or outside of YOUR boat. In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at

Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (2nd in the trilogy – go to )
Length of Days – The Age of Silence (1st in the trilogy)
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)
Many others at and 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Prayer for the World

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

We live in dangerous times. There are large regions of the World that continue to erupt into war. Some prayer partners are praying for the destruction of the enemy. One told me, she prays that the aggressive ones will have a change of heart. And, if they cannot or will not change, that God will direct the military to defeat them.

My prayer is that the very Love that created the world with His spoken word and who came to earth to save each one of us will so fill the hearts of everyone that there is no room left for hate and violence.

I am asking today that you create your own prayer and use the words you have on your heart. If you would like a suggestion, the following prayer is mine. If the people of peace can be of one voice, praying the prayer of Love three times every day, the Lord of Love will hear our prayer and answer it. Let us pray:

“Holy Father of our Lord Jesus, I bow before your name. I know that I need your Love and that others do to. I ask that your Love pour down from Heaven like a gentle rain on everyone everywhere. I ask that Love so flood all of our lives that only Love has space within us. There are those who do not know your Love, Abba. Let this be the day when Love is revealed to all, not so anyone can boast in your Grace, but so we can live together in your Love. I claim the promise that the Bible revealed in Mark, and believe you will answer my prayer. I pray in the name of, and by the power of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, March 2, 2015

Focus on Love

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

I know, I know, spring doesn’t begin until March 20 but we do wake up to daylight savings time on Sunday morning. Spring forward into spring. So there is the promise of spring in our near future. The key search word here is, “spring.” I can’t wait!

Then, I thought, how silly is that? “I can’t want” until spring?! So, what is my alternative? Let’s look at our Matthew verse again. At the risk of accusations of rewriting the Bible, let’s turn that verse upside down for a moment. “Therefore do not hurry today, for today has its own joys. Each day has enough love, and peace, curiosity of its own.”

Maybe you’re not at a place where you can still admire the beautiful snow. I know I’m not. But, you can enjoy the day for everything else about March 2. It happens to be my youngest daughter’s birthday. What a great joy! Mandi came into our lives when she was seven and a half months old, frightened and hungry. She has grown into a delightful young woman with two little girls of her own. Joy comes in what you choose to focus on. I choose to focus on all of my blessings, not the depth of the snow outside. You can choose the joys of your life every day, not denying the snow, ignoring it! Let us pray”

“Father in heaven, I love you. I lift my heart to you for you are all that is Holy! May your kingdom of joy and love come into my life today, that I may live with you in paradise here on earth. I ask this day to see joy in everything and cast from my sight all that is corrupting to my soul. Let me bring your love and peace to those around me as I walk along the way with you. Father, there are millions who do not know you as Abba, Daddy-God. Send down your love like a fresh spring rain and fill their lives with love. Love created the world and only Love can save the world. Let me be a love-link that connects you to others, that they may be a link and connect your heart to the whole world. In the precious name of your son, and by the power of his name I pray. Amen”
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the 2015 Keepers – now available in paperback and eBook