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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

December 4, 2007

Praise God, He is coming again. Christmas is a time when we remember that Jesus is coming again, that He is here and that he lives within each one of us who claim Him as our Saviour. Do we live as if Jesus were alive and the Holy Spirit has taken up a dwelling place in our heart?
Someone recently asked: "How can I get through to people that their Sunday expressions of belief are not lived out during the week?" I tell you. no amount of scolding, preaching, or correcting them will do it.
If you want to help people to change, one has to catch the person doing the desired behavior or using desired language and praise them for their efforts in doing so. "I heard you talking with those men. They were really using 'blue' language weren't they? I so appreciated your sticking to words that are pleasing to God. That really takes dedication in today's society." They will be more likely to strive to use better langauge in the future.
"Oh Father God, we praise your Holy name. It is Holy and should not be misused. May your kingdom dwell in our hearts as it is in Heaven because we want so much to please you with our language and behavior. We pray that you will honor us with your presence as your scripture says you will, for when we are weak, you are strong. Forgive us for past misbehavior and words and we pray we will not be tempted again. We will give you all the praise and glory oh Father. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen"

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