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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, October 26, 2009


This morning I pealed and cut a huge beet into smaller pieces for cooking. When I finished, I noticed a little red staining on my fingers and I thought, “That’s okay. Beets are a good thing.” Then I thought about the marks I leave on people around me as I go through my day. What counts is the manner in which we talk and deal with people. A Christian attitude should leave permanent marks, but, those marks should bear the shape of the Cross not the whip. Do we stain those around us or color them beautiful? Let us pray:

“Holy Father God, you are beautiful beyond anything we can ever imagine. We pray that we will be able to see you purely when you call us home. And, we ask that others see you when they are with us. You know that we are human and frail and do not shine as brightly as we could. We humbly ask that we leave your mark on all we encounter that they may see you more clearly. Forgive us when we have left blemishes rather than marks of the Lord on others. We ask that you shine through us each day, meeting the needs of those around us as we walk through this life. May we do no harm but always lift up you to our fellow walkers on the path. In the precious name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord, I pray. Amen.”
Copyright 2009 Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

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