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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who Brings You Down?

"My brother was awful! He hit me and I got into trouble for fighting back. He would steal from Mom’s purse, then say that he saw me take the money. I hate him!" On and on they go, listing the transgressions of a brother they haven’t seen in years.

Another woman cried to anyone who would listen, "My ex-husband was abusive. He not only hit me, he was angry and mean every day of our lives together." That was seventeen-years ago and the woman re-inflicts the painful memories on herself over and over again. Why would anyone do that? Why would she let someone bring her down and drive her into Depression?

Is it possible that she needs to hurt herself? Think about it. If you let someone bring you down, is down where you belong? Are you contributing to your own Depression? If you are a child of God, you should be soaring with the angels.

Let Prayer Therapy help lift you out of Depression caused by bad memories and negative self-talk. Using Prayer Therapy, pray 3x a day for the release of depression. As before, you would wait a few minutes for God to touch you, and then go about the rest of the day, knowing that God heard your prayer. Let us pray:

"God in Heaven who created all, you have the power to reset my broken heart. I praise your holy and precious name. May your word come to live within me so that I may live in you and rest in your kingdom, oh God. I ask this very day, Father, that you deliver me from the pain of Depression and cast those horrible feelings as far from me as your mighty arms can fling them. Forgive me when I forget to ask for your help and healing. I will remember you and your love three times today in this prayer and I will wait upon your promised touch. I know your love will go with me every moment of the day. I pray all these things in the name of, and by the power of, your son Jesus, the great physician. Amen"


"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp

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