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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Some people never attempt anything because they fear they will fail. Failure is an important part of success, my friend. We must rule-out what doesn’t work, in order to see what does.

Do you think the Wright Brothers woke up one morning and built a flying craft on the first attempt? Well, they didn’t. Did Ben and Jerry open the doors of their ice cream manufacturing plant and whip out all of those strange and exotic flavors on day-one of business? No, they tried some combinations that didn’t work until they arrived at Americone Dream, Late Night Snack and others. We have to be willing to experiment (a word meaning “fail several times”) if we want to succeed.

Are you afraid someone will laugh because you attempt something new? Only those who never try would mock someone who does. Do you fear losing money if you were to venture forward? Are you afraid to start small? If you fear starting at the beginning, you will never reach your goal. If you never try, you don’t have to risk failure. God can help you release that fear through prayer. Remember the prayer therapy process or refer back to previous posts: pray the prayer printed below 3X a day, wait on the Lord to warm your heart, then know he heard you as you live your day. Let us pray:

“Father God, Lord of my life, your name is precious to my heart. May your kingdom, the Kingdom of God, take residence in my life, that I may be in you and you in me. For this day, Dear Lord, I ask to be released from fear and from the chains that bind me. Forgive me when I have forgotten that you have the power to free me from the crippling emotion of fear. Let this be the day when I trust you again. For these things, I will give you all praise and glory. Holy, holy, holy is your name and the name of your son, Jesus Christ in whose name I pray. You alone have the power to set me free and for that blessing, I say Amen and Amen.”
Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp
“God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”

To follow in my eBook, Prayer Therapy Primer, go2

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