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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Have you ever had a stack of papers to shred, a twenty-minute job, and there were so many paper jams, it took thirty or forty? The problem? You tried to make a short job shorter and fed more paper into the shredder than it could possibly handle. Who won—you or the shredder?
We do the same thing with good ideas. We develop a business plan for a restaurant that could be the jewel in the center of a string of five-diamond eateries. However, we choose to place it in a suburban, neighborhood strip mall. We close it four months due to lack of patronage.

What about trusting God? We feed Him, the creator of the Universe, our great plans, our goals and dreams, and then say, "Hurry it along, please. You don’t know how much the world needs my wisdom."

Are we the paper, the jam, or the feeder? God wants all good things for his children who love him and follow His lead. He won’t bind us up if we’re willing to be the paper. We dare not push ahead of the Lord, plant our feet and not let Him pass. Think about it. How can we be in God’s will if we refuse to be fed by Him? We must take our time—a few pages, not a jam-full—and seek God’s will constantly. Let us pray:

"Father God, Almighty Lord, we bow before you, for you are Holy. I ask that your Kingdom may come in my life that I may be completely in your will. I ask that you make your plan clear to me and light my path each day. Forgive me when I run ahead of you and expect you to follow. That is not possible, for you are God. I will not see your light if I try to take the lead. Give me the words to help others along the Way that leads to you. May all glory be yours, Father, for glory will tarnish if I try to wear it on Earth. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen"

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp
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