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Length of Days - Search for Freedom

Monday, January 30, 2012


It seems to me, a tattoo is a "thought for the day." I would prefer an "autobiography of God written on my life."

Too many of us live from moment to moment, without seeing the grande story that is being played out all around us, the one in which we are privileged to be characters. Wow! We are in God’s story, but we often forget who the hero is—and it’s not us.

Sometimes we get a glimpse of the part we play in the story and we feel privileged. Someone may say, "I remember when you told me . . ." What comes next is a sweet remembrance of a heart that was touched by a few kind words.

Many years ago, we loaded up the U-haul and moved from New Mexico to Ohio. I drove the station wagon and Bill drove the truck, accompanied by Peanuts, our little terrier, who gave birth to seven puppies between our driveway in La Mesa and Yseleta, Texas.

Our son, who was about nine, looked out the window and said, "I know who painted the clouds."

I thought he was going to tell of God’s great mystery in creation. But, he said, "Michelangelo."

My heart sank into my lap. How could I have not taught my son about God’s creation? Rather than panic, I said calmly, "Oh, tell me about it."

"Well, when somebody dies, God uses them in Heaven. Michelangelo was a great painter, so God has him painting all the clouds and sunsets." There was no doubt in the mind of my soon-to- be-fourth-grader.

I smiled and my heart rejoiced. I had been given a peek into the greater story of life, the one God was writing on the heart of my nine-year-old. Someone had been in his life who had written a new page of possibility, fun thinking.

The choices we make, the direction we take, and the lessons we learn are more than placing tiny specks of ink dots below the skin. Life is unbelievably larger than that. What do we strive for in life—the immediate or what lasts—a tattoo or a masterpiece?

We will focus on the negative thoughts that bind us, as we have been doing the last fourteen days, several times a week. Beginning today, using the Prayer Therapy method, we will also direct our prayers along a wider path. Let us pray for the vision to see God’s masterpiece all around us:

"Creator God, author of your story and mine, your name is precious to me. May your kingdom come to dwell within me, until the time I live with you. I ask this day that you will give me eyes to see your glorious masterpiece. Let those glances be guideposts for me by which to find my way home. I ask that I may be the eyes for someone who cannot see, and the words and actions for those in need. I don’t want to know who it is or under what circumstances it happens. I am only the messenger, not the message. The masterpiece is yours, Father God. Forgive me when I have sought immediate gratification for today’s pleasure. May I see joy all around me and know that it is part of a life of joy. In the name of Jesus, your son and our redeemer I pray. Amen"

Copyright 2012 Doris Gaines Rapp

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."Please pass this link to a friend.

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